Carlos avi

since LAN is over I need some fun people to play with, dont really care about the skill level, I just wanna enjoy the game while it lasts! Prefer people that I know or at least heard of. Also dont care if you're in OC, ESL or just play irc games.

Can play any class, prefer reviving medic or engi (smg/rifle)
Availability is uncertain, but at least 2 nights a week

pm me here or drop a message below, forgot the login to my bnc on irc.


image: 1351010050854
image: tumblr-m6mdaatoib1ranhnao1-250
good luck friend!
gl pooler
lowest secret weapon ever.
lets make a team m8!
gl man, please don't fuck me over :D
also up for bum fun* gl carlols <3
<3 carlos
enhanced ???
I stepped down because I couldn't play our pracs due to vacation and LAN.
goed geluk broeder
Succes Carlosje! <3
Good luck mate
gl son :)
gl poolcleanerboy
best of luck bud :)
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