RtCW Fall Cup 2012 Lineups and Players!

image: rtcw234

So alot of people have asked me for the lineups for the teams. So ill try to be as accurate as I can.
Here are the lineup for the cup. I will be updating it everyday.

United Kingdom
United Kingdom MerlinatoR
United Kingdom sharky
United Kingdom dusty
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom owzo
United Kingdom conker
Netherlands juncie
Latvia Clown
Ireland richie
Netherlands abort

Sweden Malmen
Sweden askungen
Sweden smutzig
Sweden FeTTe
Sweden wuff
Sweden ozzy
Norway zerom
Belgium syL

Belgium Bo0n
Belgium Aggie
Belgium LongJacket
Belgium HiSeDaSe
Belgium pack
Belgium silversurfer
Belgium P5Y

Norway ICoN
Belgium j4cK#s$
Netherlands Local
Netherlands Marnix
Netherlands WormAngel
Netherlands GibsoN
Denmark Phoenix

Netherlands bully
Norway kris
Estonia mata
Estonia pudi
Finland sirkka
Finland Sipperi
Finland mystic

Portugal os1ris
Netherlands Leonneke
Germany zerb
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom Scarzy
Belgium Kevin
Slovenia iNert
United Kingdom DtSje
Netherlands crabje

Netherlands Ramzi
Netherlands Ins0mnia
Netherlands dolt
Netherlands Blaze
Netherlands AdmiralOmega
Netherlands Pasmanni
Netherlands zeni
United Kingdom dictator
Germany Urtier
Germany Twister
Belgium Mouly

Netherlands Playa
Netherlands mirage
United Kingdom jam
Iceland phyzic
Finland olBaa
Finland lettu
Germany fro
Denmark Vaf
United Kingdom sqzz

Hungary c[s
Hungary isl4m
Hungary Ocelot
Hungary Doom
Hungary d0dy
Hungary kawa
Hungary zenith
Belgium homie
Germany Cliffdark

Germany humM3L
Germany atroX
Germany souX3D
Germany fireBall
Germany ver1tas
Germany mystx
Austria Raul

United Kingdom BoXeR
Belgium Yoda
Sweden nackjee
Sweden ThomaZe
United Kingdom DitTo
Germany Reflex
Sweden Shooter
United Kingdom novaa
Estonia RommY

United States of America
United States of America donkey
United States of America donkz
United States of America DUSK
United States of America gain of 20
United States of America gut
United States of America Inferno
United States of America killermik3
United States of America martin
United States of America nigel
United States of America parcher
United States of America shrubnub
United States of America skibb
Canada teh_pwnerer
United States of America Tr3y
United States of America wizdumb
United States of America nail

Australia biggz
Australia bloxZ1N
Australia bishy
Australia Remedy
Australia nosy
Australia Geoffrey
Canada brandon

United States of America
United Kingdom 7Anthrax
United States of America bustaa
United States of America Dimin1sh
United States of America muttman
United States of America Str8SicK
United States of America TwoKittens
United States of America WowIsuX
Canada xTragic
United States of America zinger

United States of America
United States of America Caffeine
United States of America chuckinbeast
United States of America Fuzz
United States of America LoX
United States of America Lt.goose
United States of America pimpplaya
United States of America Rampage76
United States of America sonicreducer

Germany stRay
Germany ScaTmaN
Germany kevji
Germany viol
Germany wodka
Germany kiwi
Finland statti

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands Azzor
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands xPERia
Belgium dAv1d
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands Jehuty

United Kingdom Artstar
United Kingdom K A M Z
Netherlands kARMA
Estonia ZeD
Sweden lelle
Germany idlaw
Netherlands voice

United States of America
United States of America bruizer
United States of America Col_frosty
United States of America DanielMode
United States of America EurO
United States of America HowlPendragon
United States of America Kanibus
United Kingdom m4gu5
Germany r1ze
United States of America sin

Sierra Leone Seareal
Sweden Mummy
Anonymous foreveR

Netherlands Thug
Netherlands Rezta
Netherlands Lefty
Netherlands FoFo
Netherlands Animal

Germany c0bra
Germany FeniX
Germany Heldor
Germany sAwA
Germany Schebek
Germany shizzel
Germany Showtime
Germany stownage
Germany TrL
Germany TwEek

Also please post here if your available as a player to take part of this cup but clanless, ill make a list to this thread aswell.

Available/clanless players for cup:

Netherlands TimbolinA
Belgium Flashy
Germany nicon
Spain Hayes
Ireland wra1th
Finland Nizou
Belgium G0ldoraK
Croatia frozz

Cup link: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928

Thanks for Poland chikita for the banner =)

you did a mistake with the hide] thingy, otherwise nice job!
More players on RTCW than ET
I'm avi for this cup! Netherlands
very izi for Cave :))) hajrá islam, nah meg persze ocelot :D
Beszartok majd! ;D
make team. i join.
me aswell then!
I'm avi for this cup
nice work zed
need a team, not that great aimwise but good teamplayer :P
Amnesia :OOOOOO

1more team would be nice.. 16teams, big succes
Quoteavi atleast 4 to 5 days of the week from 20 cet till midnight or more. :D

Dont think any1 is that active from this community. Most of us have lives, unlike the CoD/CS community ;D
True, just doing my bit for an old skool clan who would like to participate ;)
Gogogo Sipperi

Im avi aswell, I'm shit and I'm dutch.
need a team also?
free hugs.
avi 2 play :)
would like to play this
Finland olBaa for cave ;)
atoon lu


I am available for this as well!
bleh.. a bit late but count me in as avi as well.. just being unsure about my quite unstable wireless connection
Big lol @ teams! im very suprised! gl and especially hf 2 everyone and hopefully kih win :D
Lol at some of these names, they'r still alive :D

WolFF <3
I wouldn't mind play.
Would like to play. If someone needs a backup i can play.
just pm me
wuts ur email ?
ScarZy for badazz plz
are those americans any good or known in rtcw? maybe sounds stupid but I've never heard of those
I dunno who the others are, but the players in DEFCON 1 are all terrible

except for ppE :)
Half of the Stable team are really good aimers and active players.
avi since i got my rtcw running again
Good luck to everyone. :)
Team Darkside might be signing up tonight -

Aimology - Leethal - Valdez - Shogun - MailMan - TBA ... We have a few old schoolers who are seeing if they are available, but if not we are looking for a 6th. If interested steam me. Aimology
the shogun? "no, we are here to rage!"?
i found a team

Germany atoon lu

Germany stRay
Germany ScaTmaN
Germany kevji
Germany viol
Germany wodka
Germany kiwi
Finland statti
avi for cup
play with us p:
put me in but dont expect much :D
Ok, who needs a noob on their team ?
Or if some people want to get a team together with me ? :)
I am availiable to play - my personal email is [email protected] and I play ECGn ( the last non-bot server in the US) pretty much every night :)
euro, sign up at clanbase.com and I will add you to my "radd" team with your email
actually it's clanbase.ggl.com
lolllllllled hard at kreaturen... u rly think this guys r gona play??? WANT TO BELIVE

would be HOUSSOM to see this names on rtcw thats all
amnesia withdrew?
Ye but problem is that they forgot that they withdrew
frozz is now in ubik's LU
gl Kreaturen
There are a couple matchups here I'm excited to see. Also pretty thrilled to see Kreaturen and Darkside making a return to the game for this.

Best of luck to all! Look forward to seeing you on the field November 4th.
So then this is the finalised team list for the cup?
you can add Germanystowange to atoon
playin already, remoef please
nice to see |K| back in action ;))
hope that all teams will play! great job!
been disappointed alot in the past, spo don't expect too much! the more you're going to be happ when it turns out good :P
avi if someone needs /q Swanidius irc
If anyone wants to join my team just put your email so I can add u. thanks


The showmatch was a big test not only for teams but for myself and my team of casters. Next week will put a huge focus on the tournament/teams/players. I'm aiming to have former players from the glory days join me on the mic for in depth commentary on strats/maps etc.

I'm feeling like we'll see some big improvements next week on my end :)
A good cast that keeps getting better, what more could you ask for?
You actually managed to keep two of my friends, who don't play the game and think I'm a bit of a geek because of it, watching the entirety of our match against Cave last night, so props for that.
Wow, that's very cool. To me that's always a sign of a job well done. If someone can keep my attention on a game I know nothing about, mission accomplished! Thanks for that and tell your friends I'm glad they enjoyed the show :)
me in for viol @ aToOn
Remove hste and koop from mortifactor, we got stabbed pretty hard by some ego's
what happend?
Rather not say on here :D
u mad

just face the fact you are shit because there is no rifle for noobs like you, stop whining and get a life pathetic nerd
yeah u can just do a smiley face because you know it's true

Please add me to team Radd :O))

kheb geld op u ingezet, voor zondag!
dat is het domste wat ge in uw leven gedaan hebt!
Finally a new pc, and installing RtCW again. Old pc died few weeks ago!
I'm avi for this cup!
What a great idea! my friend told me they had a very memorable stay here. Jazy
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