Noxissonn avi

Helo Helo!

I heard ET is on it's primetime, so decided finally to play it more actively. I haven't played actively in years, but would like to get my low/+ skill back. I used to play rifle or reviving/last man standing medic. No ex-teams worth mentioning, only mixteams made for OC, usually 3-6th divisions. I can speak okish english, not perfect but not the worst. I am available to play 2-3 pracs week, and maybe one official, doesn't have to be too serious though. I'd like to play with people I know and like, not many guys around that like me though :/ I am 18 years old handsome guy from finland and I consider myself as mature, stable, muscular, sometimes even funny? Finnish people ofcourse prefered, but would be nice to meet new people too. Got clean old tzac/cb account, got cheating past though from -09. That was all for now, wrote this on hangover so alot of mistakes probably, if you want to know more don't be afraid of sending pm here or just /q Noxissoni, not much on irc though.
feeling so bad, 0 comments :(
Hint: no one around here reads that much unless it's about ET dying or Tzac dying or something dying.
or about a girl gamer
would get more comments if not tl;dr
" got cheating past though from -09"

Why dont u just post it at the start of your post? Now u r making ppl to read all that info for nothing ^^ When they could just stop reading at first sentence.
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