team playArt searchin players!

Hello CF Guys !

So after doing some thinking work, and found out that it probably will be hard to find a team nowadays..
So we’ve (me & Franceeraz ) decided to put up a new project. Looking for some relaxed, active guys for some chill games /cups and offi’s ofc!

You :
• Active player
• Be in for a laugh, but know when to be serious
• Be avi 2-3 times a week atleast
[Rifle, medic/fops, eng smg/medic
• Reliable
• Speak English, give good comms!
• Don’t be a clanhopper, rage/egoquiter or whiner
• Be somewhat skilled ;-) going for around medskilled

We :
• Active
• relaxed environment
• Got game/BNC And voice servers ( Ts3 )
• Wanna have fun !

Current Line-up :
Netherlands jAAAryd
France eraz
Brazil sH0ckzs

Backup :
Netherlands Supra
Netherlands Baas
France saNjih

I asked some others but till now nothing is sure yet, prefer if you contact me via IRC, but you can drop me a msg here aswell if ur interested. Already have some interested players , so try-outs will be done over the weekend !

Contact :
IRC : /
Xfire : j4ryd

Gl erazz awesome guy :D
And gl with him eraz ":D"
Joking :d gl jeff :p
thx man :)
> fuk yea im gonna join this team
> You :• Active player
> ah nvm

Would be avi if i weren't so busy
• Don’t be a clanhopper, rage/egoquiter or whiner


suck my dick sniffer :D
hehehhe :D
rifle avi , contact me
avi medic/fop
know shockzs

mirc: /q KreEp
or shockzs xfire-dafy
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