USB Prob

soz this is the deal ..
my usb devices are having problem .. currently my internet and my mouse
is on the usb devices
when im at Windows listening to music and minding my business its fine
when i enter ET after a few minutes my internet and mouse disconnects tottaly
which makes me unable to play ET and having the need to restart again

... any suggestions ?
yes .. has been happening the past few days ..
and i just got my computer back
although i already had it before
delete the spyware!!!!
dont have one ;[
system restore
does your PC have enough power for multiple USB devices :P ?
which doesnt ;o
It's a common problem.. easy fix is to use an externally powered usb hub to run your peripherals.
how do i do that ;X?
use an externally powered usb hub to run your peripherals
You're CPU overheats when using both 2ms-1 devices! You should get a nixCoder overheating device to control it!

Why don't you change your motherboard ?
fuck et get a life. :P
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