baRRRy needs players

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about this for quite a while and I want to set up a gaming team since I became bored of always being a merc.
I didn't set up anything yet, only a name (End of Days) so anything is still possible in this stage.

Prefer 3on3 games because 6on6 games are even harder to find these days.
Play about 3 times a week so you need to be active.

About me:
  • 21 years old Netherlands
  • Low+ skill
  • Active

About you:
  • Low+ skill or higher
  • In for a laugh
  • Not shy on teamspeak

I have a Teamspeak + Private server.

PM me here, join my TS if you know it or /q baRRRy on mIRC.

I hope i can get some guys to get this stuff off the ground, could be fun!

Cya around!
Soldier MarseilleLeFrancis, old colonel from infantry reporting for duty.
sometimes u getting out from your house ? or you only pimp your computer fucking nerd
Ive just come home...
There are 24h in a day
-5h of sleepin
-1h driving
-2h30 lunch
-0h30 shower
-10h study-homework

5h left to make computer nerds mad. My life is awesome.

e : on weekends i spend "uni time" fucking girls in pussy or partying
Avi, pm biitti @ irc
avi pm irc
Would like to accompany you, looking for a small comeback.. Msg me :)
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