aiRen avi

Since AntiClimax are going to play with dutch/belgium lineup only, (Gl guys :) ) I´m still available for some OC prem team...

Playing mostly medic/fops, you can /q me @, #crossfire as aiRen or pmme here

Thanks, cheers! Good Luck for aClmx guys :)

E: Thanks for every wish :)

image: poroherecky1b

image: 600full-martina-valkova
OC Prem, brb laughing
To me it seems like you're fucking awkwardly confident about your "OC Prem" worthiness, but yet you didn't understand that even an aggressive medic has to revive, nor you noticed that your aim is actually absolutely shit on close distances. You haven't got any gamesense at all, all you're able to is shooting and ramboing and you're not even good at that. You're not even able to put an arty in the right position, nor you place it at a good time, nor you ever consider giving ammo, although you want to play fops. Everyone has to start with the basics, and for you that means to pass the line from low- to low, no matter how you aim.

Good luck, but I am sure you should rather go play with your stupid orchestra instead of wasting time with something that you're so good at ":D"
Sick comeback, nice bro
Thanks for posting this :( wanted to ask him to do a tryout with us tonight :D
It does not matter if he post it or no. If I were know that galiathus is in the team,I would reject it. Same will happen if seareal plays.
you actually rated yourself med+? :{DD reality hurts too much? xD
lOl dude, u r taking this game wayyy too serious :$
Good luck aiRen best friend, i hope you find something any time soon.
i'll become a clanbase admin if a prem team picks you up.
I´m sorry, who are you?
>implying you've achieved anything

:D so glad you got upset by my previous comment :D
I am only asking, because I don´t know you, how can you know me then?
time after time you managed to come up with brilliant shit that was hard to miss :D hence why i know.
Time to time, like now, you manage to come up with brilliant shit...

So please, if you don´t know me, if you never played with me. Stop posting brilliant shit. Thanks.
no, i'm quite sure i know what i'm talking about. I'm starting to believe you might actually have a concussion - seem to be a bit delusional.

i've played versus you & i've tried having a decent conversation with you in the past. Both of those attempts back up my opinion of you, so if you have something to prove me wrong, go on, "thanks".
You maybe know, but I dont and I never played vs you or with you. If yes, please gimme some screenshots so I´ll be able to remember it. If no, please stop flaming my post.

And sorry for my behaviour, but If you trolls me in every post, you deserve it.

Now stop commenting and writing shit, thanks!
I´ve checked GTV..

So you are playing for enhanced, I´m sure that we did not met in any match, because last time I´ve played 6on6 it was for anticlimax in last 2 weeks.

And you are playing 3on3 on med- irc skill, we can´t met because I´m playing with Rifleman and we´re searching for med/+

If we met, according to what I can see now, it had to be troll because playing vs players, who are not good or better than is not fun in this game.

So man, stop it. Thanks!
only official we would've met in, would've been in ESL yet your team(named Never Surrender - a good choice for teamname i must say) folded. good job on being a supernerd and investigating on gamestv though.

i don't have proof of playing versus you cause i don't save screenshots or demos and therefor i don't have anything to base this on. i've played versus you in both 3on3 and 6on6 and to call you prem worthy from what i've seen, i'd say it's hardly unlikely. can't blame a man for trying though, so if you aspire to be carried then why not, knock yourself out.

also i don't know if it's somekind of a superpower of yours, but you manage to misinterpret most of the things i say, cause i'm being fairly objective by stating you're not prem worthy - which in my eyes can't really be interpreted as 'flaming'.
First.... Never Surrender was only because we want to keep ESL sc. prem league active when aToOn folded. But Hennessy don´t want to play last offi and invi with beck created new french team. So it wasn´t my fault.

Ok, nothing

Funny thing is, that "not prem worthy" writing only guys and players, who never played with me or if they are, they played with me 1 year ago.
oh you silly basement dweller, i don't think anyone's ever explained to you what a personal opinion is, so i really don't know what you're trying to achieve here by trying to contest my opinion. as i've said a numerous times already, i've come up with an opinion of you and i have not seen a single reason why that should change. you're saying it's somehow funny that i'm calling you not prem worthy, if that's funny for you then you sure as fuck are easily amused.

anyhow enough of this ranting, i've stated what i think - i've seen nothing worthy to change my opinion and i honestly can not be bothered to reply anymore :d was fun seeing you get your knickers in a twist but everything has to come to an end.

i wish you good luck in your future endeavours, wherever that might take you.
It´s your personal opinion, ok. But when you public if I want to know why you think it. You didn ´t proove why. That is why I´m asking you questions and have answers to your answers... If that is "silly basement" for you, I´ve nothing to talk more.

Thanks for wish, but now it looks really arrogant and ironic
they don't think it be like it is but it do
Quotewas fun seeing you get your knickers in a twist

infi, u got burnt bro like uber burnt

admit it :D
"Never Surrender"

Didn't you just play for offi only 5 days ago in a 6on6? How is that 2 weeks ago?

Last offi what I´ve played, It´s longer than 2 weeks tho.
According to aiRen, you are med- man.. :SS
it's true...i can't hide this any longer :_(
I didn't say how skilled he is. I just referred to the matches that was played on gamestv. I have not played against him in any 3v3, 6v6 match.

I'm not the right person to assess his skill, because I do not know him and I do not know how he plays..
You are judging his skill by "brilliant shit" he makes? I don't see the connection.
i'm sure a broken brain doesn't really contribute to a 'good' player + i've played versus him a fair few times so i've seen him play aswell(i wasn't refering 'brilliant shit' to stuff he posts on crossfire)
Proof or didn´t happen.

I really can´t remember when I´ve played vs you. With who or if it was 3on3 or 6on6. Thanks a lot!
gl airen!
premier league worthy!!
GL :) Underrated!
don't lie !

<olpen> he's terrible
be honnest with yourself
Most controversial recruitment post ever
yes, i agree man
What is controversial in my post?
Do you even know what controversial means?
Synonym to contradictory, antithetical. I´m right?
It would be contradictory if you talk to two persons in a row. To the first you say that your favourite color is green, to the second you say that your favourite color is red. So both statements are contradictory.

Controversial means that a lot of stuff is highly disputed, or argumentative, whatever you understand better.
dead game, same drama..... gl
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