RTCW FALL CUP: Moments Of The Week #2 footage needed

As most of you must have seen, homie has released a clip featuring some moments/frags that have happened in rtcw spanning last week.
To relieve poor homie of the stress of movie making while simultaneously having a lot of school work to do I suggested to make the second installment of Moments Of The Week instead, which was of course music to his ears.

So what do I need from you?

Frag spree's, panzer kills, leet 1 man kills, funny stuff, maybe a nice docrun, etc.

Please rename the demo to the time/round it takes place, your name and what kind of action it is.
You can either upload them and send the link to me over a private message or send the demo(s) to my email: [email protected]

Note that unfortunately not everything that you send in can be picked to be featured due to different reasons, like for example the quality of the footage or if it's synchronizable with the music.

I hope I covered everything here, if you still have any questions, feel free to ask.

RTCW more active than ET lol
don't really know about this, but we are trying to keep people updated on crossfire about the cup with newsposts, journals and these videos etc. Advertisements are imo the way to motivate people to play a game, and i haven't seen many et newsposts nowadays
easier to find proper 6on6 in RTCW than in ET :D
Dunno about that but it definitely has a more mature less wannabe community and has more skilled teams.
alright! :)
matches only, or mixes / scrims too vs clanned opposition?
Good question, I think if I would limit myself to official matches only I doubt I'd be able to get enough footage.
So scrims vs clanned opposition would be fine too.
stoprecord ftw :( will record on nextgames :P
thks guys... seriosuly nize to see ur hard work :)
I'm really happy that you and homie are putting in the work, keeps people motivated to keep on fragging I guess! :D

Quotemaybe a nice docrun

Leonneke's docrun vs cave was sick, he gave it to homie but homie did not chose it for the movie, maybe you can use it this time! :)
No problem, clip making is quite fun to do, so it's not entirely sacrifice :)

Also I'll talk to homie about that docrun when I see him, thanks for mentioning.
Here it is:

Quote by LeonnekeBeach first round (Yes it's in the demo I checked) 5:38 --> 3:47
Solo docrun inc solid snake action. As seen on the stream ^_^
You so helpful :))))
i was gonna talk to leonneke about this to apologise. I also received a few docruns by KiH, but it was very hard for me to get 2min docruns in just a clip of 4min, even if its fastforwarded etc. But i'll give bully the demos and hope he can make something out of it :)!
Wasnt flame intended or something! You did a great job ;)
you may take some clips from warwitchtv (speech, video clips) may be for intro and some shoutcasts edited to give it emotion
I would like to see like a namebar on the left corner or something since i could not see whos killing who etc
sent a couple to your email, hope you got them mate =) look forward to the vid.
Yes I did, thanks for your input mate.
I just hope I can finish it on Sunday, doing my best but there's still a lot to do.
got enough to fill the entire song bully? gogo work around the clock :D
Nope, I don't actually, I had hoped jam would have send me some demos to my email today, but he hasn't unfortunately. I also have to play a game tomorrow, so I also have to focus on that. Pretty sure I won't be able to finish it by tomorrow as it stands :(.
Force cg_autoaction 7, especially given how 'open' the game is now.

There will then be no shortage of demos.
:D Always hard yea, maybe I can do one of the weeks in the future, one of week 4/5/6 could be good for me =)
week 3 also possible for you merl :p ?
100% not, bday this week and busy @ the weekend. at least one of 4/5/6 though!

just heard this song :p so psyched again to create something wonderful with this song

probably gonna do docruns only for week 3 or smth, don't got a lot of time too & i doubt bully or any1 else want to do it
don't have to do much editing if you haven't got time too, that stuff, imo, is just a bonus if you actually have time. especially for this time sensitive stuff. Give me a shout if you want me to sticky a new post - will remove this one now.
New demoviewer in production. But not started with your changes yet bully. Started with gui and demo scanning.
Sounds nice, I don't know what my changes were any more actually :d.
Right now I have 2 separate rtcw installations with 2 different demoviewers, one to capture footage and sound and the other for console. Of course the second demoviewer can't read the xml file from the first demoviewer, so I need to scan the same demo again :(. Still, it's a 100 times faster than doing it the old way, so I'm not complaining.
New one will have demo scanning outside the game, so no more xml crap.

In game changes will be stuff like: unlimted screenshots, blur attempt no.2 etc...
Respect crumbs!
What a great idea! my friend told me they had a very memorable stay here. Jazy
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