Need help!!

So i moved to Canada for a while and got a new laptop. The laptop is MSI gt60. Downloaded ET like i did at my home in Estonia, but the game wont play in fullscreen. Mby someone can help me pls. I have googled it but no answers. Tried all the customheights n stuf too but that turned out to be hopless. So if i play the game two sides are black and the game is in the middle of the screen. HELP ME! :D
ALT+ENTER that shit a few times
r_mode >3
r_fullscreen 1

gtfo now
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_customwidth 1280 <--whatever you like
seta r_customheight 1024 <--whatever you like
+ r_customaspect 1
try playing in a diff room

.. What holy shit said

hows Canada
Fckin read that shit. I aid i tried those customheight and r_mode stuff. didnt help. Canadas nice btw, looking for a job right now so yea.
it says cold not load OPENGL subsystem . WTF?????
I did what holy shit said and thats what happened so. anyone help still??
soz ET to heavy for your laptop/gpu
What part of canada you live in ? I'm in Montreal
Try open and close your laptop lid 5 times, might need to try few times before it works.
drivers for graphic card ?
In Canada they play on half sized windows mode.
ET too heavy are u fuckig kiddin me:D:D Worst joke of the year dude. I lie in Canmore,AB. Ie downloaded all the driver n shit but nothing. But i think it is the driver for the graphic card because the driver is still in beta verson. So i dont stil know what the prob is:D There are no newer drivers for the card.
The graphic card is nvidia geforce gtx 670m. 15,6 SCREEN with resolution 1920 x 1080. Fuck guys help me out:D
tont ära vihka
had the same problem when i dl on my laptop, its graphics prob lol shocking i know
nahui a foorumis kämpad kukk. Ostan 15 doltsiga hiire saame teha wari:D
well i have the latest graphics drivers installed so wtffff
nothing fucking works guys
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