You are cless? Need a clan? You like boobs and cookies? Join us!:)

image: et_big

We searching for:

>> skill: med

>> giving comms on TS3

>> mature

>> no ego childlish bob the builder

>> non ex-cheaters

>> non present cheaters :D

>> Active player

>> Any class:)

PS. For no1 gaming playing legendary super good player Finland Pannari "reinder eater"!!

For more info and test join #no1 @ msg no1|POIUSSINO_o or Apply to join on our Forum
give boobs and cookies first D:
Im fat i have boobies:D for cookie u need to wait
was expecting this :<
low+, shy guy, quite child, damn ego guy, played with a lot of cheaters, avi only in weekdays and depends on my mood and soldier avi
pick this guy!
hf poui, you won't find anyone tho, game over :)
lol Karrde:D famous and allways hungry man. I hope we gonna find some1:)
infamous : p You will see its bigger problem to find opponent and it is not fun to play against the same, so called "clans" every time. This became so lame! gl's
hello i need team my skill is med , im very actif but for the moment and don t have the microphone but i buy in not long time i play medic im good player im mature and iam 20 year i never use wh or aimbot dont busted thx :)
>> no ego childlish bob the builder

racist :'(
wtf did I just read?
avi, pm.
gl no1

ps: my team need a med rifle, pm me for infos
pps: 6v6 cup on sunday
join #no1 @ mIRC or apply on our clan forum:D link in main topic:)
U mean : Want a shit-ass leader who ragequits all the time and shouts at every1 in teamspeak, called poseidon !! PLEASE JOIN !!!
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