Door gaming need 3 last

We are in multigaming.

- have teamspeak
- website
- private serv
- public serv
- around med skill
- playing 3 Times per Week (Tuesday Thursday Sunday / 21:00 CET )
- serious guys ingame
- We need: MEDIC & RIFLE
- Lineup : FranceDucked FranceJatah FrancecrAps IsraelanT Estonia MCLEOd EuropeRIFLE EuropeBACKUP

about you:

- med skill
- can play 3 Times per Week (Tuesday Thursday Sunday / 21:00 CET )
- Need Irc teamspeak3 mic & serious ingame
- stable
- speaking EnglandEnglish

if you think you are the right guy for us join and pm ducked or mp me on crossfire.

thanks <3
avi rifle
not med
gl jatah
GL, jsuis avi en back up !
MCLEOd join lineup, now we just need rifle & 1 backup.
Gl jatah !!
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