Wolfenstein Enemy Territory World


Hello friends crossfire:

I played Wolfenstein Community of Chile and I have an idea I am motivated by the arrival of etlive and I want to pose a personal idea to move forward and enhance our dear old game.

They have confederations by continent and each country has its own league and then have national and international competitions.


having divisions

An example Spanish League First Division:

12 Teams 12 Dates-Phase Regular

8 Teams 7 Dates - Phase Double Elimination Playoffs

1st Division
2nd Division
3rd Division

- Each country split is between 10 and 12 clans
- The first teams qualify for playoffs
. The top 3 teams from each National League Euro 3 to classify XVII

- And internationally between countries

Sort by continents and countries in soccer

To the extent that each country has its league we will increase the number of countries eligible to play, the Nations Cup XVII quotas will always be 32.

I hope you have ideas or want to help please contact me by pm



Hola amigos de crossfire:

Soy jugador de la Comunidad de Wolfenstein de Chile y tengo una idea, estoy motivado con la llegada de etlive y quiero plantearles una idea personal para sacar adelante y potenciar nuestro querido y antiguo juego.

Que hayan confederaciones por continentes y que cada pais tenga sus ligas propias para luego tener competencias nacionales y internacionales.


Tener divisiones

Un ejemplo Liga Española primera División:

12 Equipos 12 Fechas- Fase Regular

8 Equipos 7 Fechas - Fase Playoffs Doble Eliminacion

1era División
2da División
3era División

- Cada división por paises sea entre 10 y 12 clanes
- Los primero equipos clasifican a playoffs
. Los primeros 3 equipos de cada liga Nacional Clasifican 3 a la Eurocopa XVII

- Y a nivel internacional entre paises

Clasificar los paises por continentes como en en futbol

En la medida de que cada pais tenga su liga iremos aumentando de cantidad de naciones aptas para jugar, la Copa de Naciones XVII los cupos siempre seran 32.

Espero el que tenga ideas o quiera ayudar que me contacte por pm



Ciao amici crossfire:

Ho giocato Wolfenstein Comunità di Cile e io ho un'idea, sono motivato dall'arrivo di etlive e voglio porre una personale idea di andare avanti e migliorare il nostro gioco cara vecchia.

Hanno confederazioni per continente e ogni paese ha la sua lega e poi concorsi nazionali ed internazionali.


Avere divisioni

Un campionato spagnolo Division Primo esempio:

12 squadre 12 Termini-fase regolare

8 Squadre 7 Date - Playoffs eliminazione doppia fase

1st Division
2 ° Divisione
3 ° Divisione

- Ogni paese è diviso tra 10 e 12 clan
- Le prime squadre qualificarsi per i playoff
. Le prime 3 squadre di ogni campionato nazionale Euro 3 per classificare XVII

- E a livello internazionale tra i paesi

Ordina per continenti e paesi nel calcio

Nella misura in cui ogni paese ha il suo campionato si aumenterà il numero dei paesi ammissibili per giocare, le quote Coppa d'XVII sarà sempre 32.

Spero che tu abbia idee o volete aiutare vi prego di contattarmi pm

no hablo ingles!

google translator ftw!

I know it's a stupid idea, stupid, etc but people who love the game can get other countries will be motivated to play this great game

The helper, welcome: D


Se que es una idea estupida, tonta, etc pero la gente que ama el juego puede lograr que se motiven otros paises a jugar este gran juego

El que quiera ayudar, bienvenido :D
I'm 12 and what is this?
hey we know its you bruv
in case you just somehow wer borned in the last few seconds

we already have an international esports scene with w:et for quite a few..
and national tournaments as such as dutchies cup and polakie cup that are usaly organized by individuals. Thers also an ESL tournament played on a global scale wich after a while transitions into an international event.
I understand that there are leagues and European championships, but my goal is to focus on the national leagues et.

Each country in Europe has such their own league

as i stated we already have that, its not as big as the international events, and now ur asking urself geez why not.. geez because thers 17active players in the whole world maybe

never know if funny or a massive dickhead
obv he doesnt know, his idea and intentions are good.
i just told him that the actual scene is a bit diff then his idea of it
The community of ET is too small nowadays to have a league for each country. Even international leagues aren't that active anymore.
etlive should bring back some activity if its done well.
Why not? You do know ETLive isn't Crossfire only?
without real developpers eg: ID Software, you will never get the publicity you need i think
ah yes, lets split this small community up even more.
inb4 massive flaming
find 12 clans from whole world for at least one div and i am in
It wouldn't work due to not having enough players from each country, most of them can only make one decent lineup that would not die after 2 weeks, not even thinking about whole division with multiple clans.

Decent idea, but way to late.
its a good idea fuck all this haters

Clanbase website suck dicks
Esl website suck dicks

We just need a good one with all the players using the same platform and i think this game can stay alive
much years
yeah true but still the activity 6on6 atm is tending to 0
dirty bomb ftw if you ask me... hope etlive will be more active then et nowaday tho so we can set up some sort of good competition!
i like the basic idea. unfortunately itt won't happen due to too many reasons.
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