requesting RtCW footage

Hello everyone,

I recently stumbled upon a music artist which produces such nice music, I have to do something with it.
So with my movie making spark re-ignited I come to request footage for an rtcw movie.

Ok, so what am I looking for:
Frag spree's, nice quick kills(mid air nades, 3hs kills etc), panzer kills, document runs, trick jumps (I know this is hard considering there aren't a lot of trick jumps undiscovered, still I'm looking to do a trick jump section)

Please rename the demo to the time and round your action takes place, upload it and send it to me in a private message, also give a description of the action in the pm.

I think I covered everything here, if not, please ask.



I'm still looking for footage, I don't have a deadline planned but I'd like to start working on the movie as soon as possible.
gl with that!
Good luck bully, expecting it to be awesome! :)
I will do my absolute best, I won't settle for average that I can promise
then you'll def need some of my demos!
I think he's aiming for above average, not below average :))))
Plenty of material if you watch Kamz
wait untill next week, i will have some nice 3/4 man frags in my next cupmatch ^^
all my frags are laggy so they look ugly for movies :P good luck though
what laggy? Kamz demo's? How come?????????
drop me a pm once upon a time in the future, I have some frags I could send you but I'm too lazy right now and I'll obviously forget about it later

kevin in rl:
image: Jan%20Decleir%201
ok ik moest eff lachen :D
Badazz will have a load of frags to send you once we beat that random no name team we're playing in the next round haha :P
I am looking forward to that DtS :D.
Good, cos I'm not!
hey sorry for off topic but just so others can see this question possibly.
im trying to render ubik video but i keep getting 'the system is low on memory, you may be able to reduce memory usage by closing other applications'.
i dont have anything else open and have tried googling but no luck. ever experienced?
im on xp and open task manager and it says my pf usage is 1.7gb,i cant remember it being like this? possibly a cause?
have you rendered anything of this size before? I could render/encode it for you if you want, just need somewhere to upload the mofo :p
yep i have, this problem is just out of nowhere. do you mean if i can render it in something like huffy and upload then you download and compress? cause my nets so shit and an uncompressed file would take days for me yo upload haha. im trying to download some different vegas versions atm to try render it. hopefully will be up tonight
ah damn, yeah might be quicker to keep trying yourself!
thanks for the sticky merl!
Maybe update it now if you have time, set some sort of deadline for demos - normally gets people moving x)
What a great idea! my friend told me they had a very memorable stay here. Jazy
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