#1day-3V3Cup | Results 3V3 Cup v1

1day-3v3 cup is maybe going to organise 6v6 cup 2

3V3 Cup v1

1. Defix.et ( spirea , lepari , jjameson )
2. voodoo ( lesbian , pacino , Cap0one )
3. Ghurkhas ( tyyrd , hentai , symtexx )
4. 3V3 ( HeX , luyah , Worm )

but 1 thing is needed :

We need more sponsors for the cup ( for prices , ETTV , gameserver , ventrillo server)

Thank you to #snd-gaming for sponsor us

Contact : #1day-3v3cup
`HeX or luyah
`Hex you should firstly focus on an own cup name which isn't "stolen".
we will later | Dont whine about name plz its just a cup to prac OC
Nothing against new cups, but to find a bit originally name shouldn't be this hard. :)
Why did you do a top4 instead of top3? So you look cool? HuH?!
no because the cup is based on

Team 1 vs Team 2
Team 3 vs Team 4 and that are 4 teams i think or 3?
That's what they all say!
such a skilled cup, good work mate.
lepari isn't skilled !?
i said skilled
I heard lepari is mystic!
will be a nice cup
3. Ghurkhas ( tyyrd , hentai , symtexx ) gl :)

stu makes me laugh :)
pls, you are going on on the "succes" of #1day-cup.
Ofcourse it is easier to get sponsors that way when people associate you with my cup.

And why should you prac OC with a cup-name?
spirea, lepari, m0nK3y, jjameson * !
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