cfg with r_mode 8 and fps problems.

Hello !
I have a cfg with low graphic settings but high resolution, however there is a problem.
There is no fps improve, when i change r_mode to lower value.
I set such a high resolution, because it is a native res. of my panel.
I set affinity to 1 core and there is no difference between playing et on 1 or 2 cores.
My cfg:
My specification:
processor : Intel Pentium D 2x2.8 ghz
video card: Winfast PX6600 TD 128 mb (GeForce 6600)
memory: OCZ 1gb
mobo: Asrock G31-MS
monitor: Belinea

i would blame the pentium D....1 1/2 years ago i got the same cpu. 2 GB DDR 2 RAM, and 8600GT. could not even get stable 43 fps at grush/radar
I had a P4 cpu before and honestly i don't feel any difference in my fps. I know that et is using more cpu than gpu resources, but i feel like my video card is a bottleneck of my pc. What do you think about it? changing video card will affect my fps?
getting to the point where throwing upgrades at that machine it is a waste of money and you'd be better off with a new build..
you're right, but i have no funds for a new build now, unfortunately :(. Could somone recommend a cfg with r_mode 8 and nice fps, please :))?
Yeah sure thing buddy. check this cfg and halla back if u like it

Oh yeah, I dont know if u know this but this is a FULL cfg, meaning it will change everything on your current cfg, fov mouse sense, gun and so on, IF u want only to change the graphics of our game than i suggest u erase everything and leave cvars ( commands ) with the extensions r_ as those are that will change your graphic only
Thanks for the link mate :) ill check it later.
the gpu is totaly shit omfg, i had the same one, its a pain to play with
get ur ass on xfire naab
high resolution need good graphics card and low resolution need good cpu. Ofc you can upgrade the graphics card but i think its better to O/C this cpu if you can. Or like unblind said, new build if you have the money.
I'll try to O/C but i think that ocing it over 3.0 ghz won't be possible because of random 7 year-old intel cooler :c.
clean whole shit from dust
Get new PC, kthxbye.
hello rondel
Pentium 4 and Pentium D just sucks.

I was getting 100-125 fps with AMD athlon64 3200 and Radeon 9600pro before i bought a new PC few years ago.

try to reinstall windows, if that doesnt help you will need a new PC or atleast a new mobo, cpu and ram. Onboard GPU or built in CPU will be fast enough for ET. For around 150-200 euro you can buy a upgrade that is better as your current PC.
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