d xt r avi

Hey CF!

After my previous post wasn't as successful as I wanted, I am still looking for a team to play with.

» eng/medic/2nd fops
» very experienced
» very active
» used to play against med+
» ex-teams are in my profile


» atleast med
» TS3 / vt3.0
» stable teams are preferred
» be active
» would be great if you had a server
» + if you play LoL so we can nerd together

#et dxtr or dxtr_
or just send me a message
gl mate <3 le best etplayah evah
gl mate! If supski comes back you're definitely welcome :O)
in my lang. that means "Pussies" :O) D
a good luck also from arrow 8 : ]
gl smalladze
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