New ETPro and N!tmod server

Hi all, because server eG|BLUE ETPro CZ is many times full and some of players have not on eG|BLUE ETPro CZ good connection, I made next ETPro server. Setting is like eG|BLUE ETPro CZ, location is Germany.


I also made one N!tmod server whith setting like competition. I want try if is possible play competition also on diferent mod than on ETPro. On server is last version N!tmod 2.2.1, which is now only for beta testers. Server is located United Kingdom.

~~eG|RED*N!tmod*CompeTiTion -

Have fun :-))))
Your server is cool, I had great time making people mad with my panzering skills yesterday for the first time after weeks of inactivity BUT you can't say bad words such as kurwa pierdole otherwise you get muted so this sucks very hard because I like insulting other gamers while playing it's my way to tell them you got moustache'd so hard but I still like you little ETgamer from computer. Please, fix this.
Yours sincerely,
Retired MarseilleColonel LeFrancis.
you are not funny anymore;p
im not funny im serious
haha, you became one of my fav troll-style players :D
Im glad gamers still recognize my skills but i'm not a troll im always very serious when it comes to computer games :s:s:s Anyway, I'll see you there someday ;{D
maybe you are serious, but still was fun to paly with you. :D c u on virtual battlefield :[D
just my man francis
It has always boggled my mind that servers don't allow people to swear.. I understand some communities consist of younger players, but if they aren't corrupted by shooting each other in the face, I don't think reading the word fuck on the internet will do any further damage.
Automute is not only about that what you are writed here, but automute do end flame war between players befor it really start. It is not anything good if players must see flame wars which start majority time for no reason.
nice to see it, gj!
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