Catinahat needs one


Since Woott left the team, we need one player to fill our main lineup.

Current lineup:
Netherlands Freddy
Finland hazz
Finland Nixon
Latvia Sfinn
Estonia Sinche
United Kingdom Josh

About us:

- Got TS and war server
- Praccing Sun, Mon and Wed at 20:00 CET
- Participating in cups
- Clean

Looking for:

- Engi smg or medic
- Friendly, reliable, nice, not a whiner/rager
- Clean
- Objective-minded

First tryout next Sunday.

Query hazz or Freddy_B on #catinahat if you're interested.
- Engi smg or medic CHECK
- Friendly, reliable, nice, not a whiner/rager CHECK
- Clean CHECK
- Objective-minded CHECK
check la combine l'atmosphère dans la beuh à Marseille on fait cet oseille

c'est prospère la beuhèr
here i am
pick me yo
real sfin?
where is woott?flip?yannick?
lost interest
ooh, would like to play et again but im rusty and i dont know if i have time for pracs :(
gl guys!

hope to see you in the upcoming OC :P
when is the next OC?
geelii hazznkka
Avi for this as the most healing medic :)
Belgium nicon is avi, pm him @ cf
read my pm
btw its Japannicon I believe
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