2 Skilled players looking

After leaving KiH for a bit inactivity we wanna join a other clan stable + active. Plays OC

Some info about frAgu

Ex-Clans : KiH, senseless-esports, Team Infected, aquilla, RETARDS!, a.ToOn.
Age : 17
Playing ET : 3years.
Class : medic/fop.
Can Speak: PolandEngland

Some info about freshh

Can Speak : NetherlandsEnglandTurkey
Ex-Clans, KiH, MyLegend, iNTELLIC, quAn, Disconnect, pio, team-goldfish, sFx
Age : 16
Playing ET : 2.5 years with some breaks
Classes : medic/fops/panz

Contact us @ #fresh&fragu or leave a msg here

No new clans.

Don't know 'em both.. Gl though ;)
kadir plz, stomme turk
gl fragus skilled gay
Veel liefs kadir <3
cu @ CPC2 <3 :DDD
gl kadir
gl hengeloör!
skilled players . gl fresh m8
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