Is it the end of Tz-AC?

Tz-ac is in these days hotly debated.

Tomislav Zubcic founder and administrator of Anticheat-Software Tz-Ac may has to justify himself against charges of tax evasion.

YnC-Hosting contact him last time at 4th of February in a phone call.

[04/02/2013 14:23:43] Tomislav Zubcic: hi, did you just call me?
[04/02/2013 14:23:56] Tomislav Zubcic: please don't do it these days, i had tax inspection in my home regarding tz-ac
[04/02/2013 14:24:18] Marcus Stewart Hughes: Okay so what's the situation, and yes it was me
[04/02/2013 14:24:26] Tomislav Zubcic: someone reported me
[04/02/2013 14:24:37] Marcus Stewart Hughes: For what?
[04/02/2013 14:25:28] Tomislav Zubcic: i don't have a registered business, google ads are a problem
[04/02/2013 14:25:55] Marcus Stewart Hughes: lol seriously?
[04/02/2013 14:26:10] Tomislav Zubcic: they visited many private houses in last 2-3 weeks where i live
[04/02/2013 14:26:16] Tomislav Zubcic: some people got fined fucking a lot
[04/02/2013 14:26:45] Tomislav Zubcic: hair stylers, various sellers, etc, and me, but have no idea if i'll get fined yet
[04/02/2013 14:27:01] Tomislav Zubcic: that's why i tried to stay away from tz-ac until it's solved
[04/02/2013 14:27:30] Marcus Stewart Hughes: When do you think you will be back?
[04/02/2013 14:30:49] Tomislav Zubcic: i have to visit the tax office or whatever it's called in 3 days, then i'll know
[04/02/2013 14:31:09] Marcus Stewart Hughes: Okay let me know

After this, he went offline. Since then they have had zero contact with him. Today when the domain was altered,They tried to call again, however the phone just rang and went to voicemail. He did not come on Skype. After a short phone call with GoDaddy, they have confirmed the domain has been manually altered to no longer point to YCN servers.

Tz-Ac still works just the Domain is down.
You can run Tz-ac Domain with a batch-file.
You will need to run this script as an administrator, and the hosts file will automatically be updated.
Note: only works on internet explorer


The future of Tz-Ac is uncertain.

sucks for ET and TZAC

BUT, register a business if you do a business..
stupid polaks :x
I guess the only thing we can do is sit and wait and live in paranoia,that everyone is cheating.
(like when chaplja announced tzac will end and there was funny bust list next time...)
Has been posted before.
is there any other anticheat program which can be replace tzac which work s ?
No, but nopb configs that bridged the gap between pb and tzac sort've worked in allowing people to play
I guess Arnold really went to go take care of his ban.
Haven't seen him around for a while.
lol theres already a topic about this , whats this copy cat attention whore shit? whatever.:

Also there is only one problem, I downloaded et pack a few days ago cuz no longer had et, now it comes with tzac when i try install it , just says the updated couldnt contact the server and will shut down, so i cant install tzac or use it, any1 with a solution?
run with admin
doesnt work , i get same error
"updater has failed getting information about the latest update...but will try...."
"TZAC client file is missing , update didnt help, Please try again or check the website ..."
website is down so I am kinda fuked :D
:< unlucky for you then, i get an update error but can still login and play
ask chapja. muahhahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gets (maybe) fined caused by a free and dead game
dont worry
ask chaplja to leak the source code of TZAC and let the community do the rest...
You dont need chapja just visit forum from deathcode and you will get the source code of tzac v3.
That's not the source code.
It's just unpacked,but not fully.
Are you a journalist?
and still no Anti Cheat Support ? How we can sure there are Detecting this Cunts of Hacking Shit ?
Everybody complained at pb but it was much better than tzac. At least there was no such shares.
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