Sneakypeaky gamewinner for EC

ola crossfire!

1st of all, I thought that im going to quit this game after NC but im still gonna give it a try cause I have plenty of free time and after our loss against Poland I really doubt we're gonna end top 3 with EE this season, so im kinda ready to play with a decent team.

soo, if you're seeking for a always thirsty for victory player with an awesome gamesense and teamplay, send me a pm here or at irc ( yEnch )

...and I prefer to play engi, but every role of medic fit as well.

i had been hoping Sinnu would sign up with IYA and take you along with him :( scumbag Sinnu

good luck though <3
scumbag Sinnu indeed. Iv got no idea whats going on with IYA and that really weird lineup looking aToOn
aToOn looks individually quite strong, if they pull together they could be a rather decent team.
yeah, true.. but still looks weird :D

actually all those names who are competing in NC have reached this "high skilled" level and now its all about teams spawntime or luck. I guess they will put out some really good results.
It's been like that for a few years now though, the game has transitioned into something that's entirely based on and around spawntimes. Given two equally strong teams and a perfect game, the team with the more favorable spawntime would undoubtedly win.
but im still improving at braining, and it gets only easier to win :D too bad I failed few times yesterday against poland in supply last phase (both attack / deff ), but yeh.. fuck that game.
was rather unlucky that wiaderko wouldn't kill off after you jumped the back on supply, though you may would have had more chances at taking him if you didnt jump into the room with the wrenches out =D
well, why the fuck would he be there? action was at the 1st room if you go upstairs and he was riffle, WTF, WHY?? and stream was behind only like 10 secs and I think some might have told them few things in comms :D
Eh, to be fair, you were lurking around west/back for almost 2 minutes, someone ought to have realized that you were missing :P
no! subbi got killed in front of me at west as smg engi, after what I went for the jump, so if they had any kind of comms then they would call it out that smg engi is out, which makes me out of the game...

but enough of teaching :D some might get as smart as me.
I usually look for the names and associate their classes with it =P Even if subbi was called as "eng smg dead", not having yench seen killed or sk'd for a longer period of time makes one wonder.

Despite that, you're rather known for trying to be sneaky, goldrush back sneak and supply west jump is something you try to do at least once every game
yeah sure, wiaderko doesnt even know who I am, just to name 1 name... not to mention what class im even playing :D

and people still fall for those tricks, Lol :D been doing em for a over a year, but iv got new tactics and gonna reveal it for the new team ;))
we knew that you play engi. we've studied your tactics for a while so we were aware who plays which class etc (SERIOUS BUSINESS)
Yeah me 2, atleast when playing versus known opponents. Also most top players would realize an engi was missing if he hasn't been killed that very same spawn.
There's a few engineers, like twidi, duke and yench, that whenever playing GR or supply vs them I make it a habit to excessively check the kill list, as I know they like to sneak up the back more often than not and being surprised while rushing down on a long spawn has happened a few times because one of them would sit there for a minute or longer waiting for a good opportunity :P
wise words, but sadly in-game I see you getting killed 1st in your team :D no offence mate!
Oh surely, but I can still give comms! :P
Exactly. Kamz, twidi, ensam, Night and drago used to be on my list :D

(not really sure who plays these days)
Experienced players with decent comms should realize only 5 players and only 1 engi got killed.
well this thing situational and I meant a specific one
Sure, but the way you explained it :

no! subbi got killed in front of me at west as smg engi, after what I went for the jump, so if they had any kind of comms then they would call it out that smg engi is out, which makes me out of the game...

Wouldn't have fooled many top players :)
I obviously know it, but yeh I meant actually that why there was a riffle waiting for me.
"and stream was behind only like 10 secs and I think some might have told them few things in comms :D"

oh lol :D:Dd
I guess it can seems to you it's only about spawntimes, cause you played supply/grush/radar etc. millions of times and you just cant "find""use""do" something new/unexpected..

It lacks new maps,which will (bad that tho..) "highskilled" part of the comunity reject..
The problem isn't that new maps are automatically rejected, it's merely the fact that it's very hard to create a map that offers a good balance. Also, last I checked, it weren't the top players that are unwilling to learn and adapt, it's mostly the med/above med group that has a hard time learning a new map because the routine they've copied from watching and playing against top players all these years doesn't apply anymore, making them rather clueless as to what to do and how to position themselves. Regardless, even if new maps were presented... the same thing would apply, sooner or later, the game is at a point where it's entirely about ones spawntime. It can be quite obviously observed even on less popular maps like beach, ice, frost, adler, battery, oasis

I don't know about you, but I for once absolutely hate playing supply for that very reason :P
blaa, missile was really awesome map, no idea why they, gays, removed it.

missile with some older map back to EC!
dunno, didn't really like it, the general idea was.. okay, but there were quite a few things that made the map rather unenjoyable for me.
Great map, just the last stage and the gold part were hard to attack.
Everthings possible. It just needs good leading and comms.
Not saying it's impossible, but the last stage is a bit too far from the allied spawn which partially negates the advantage of a shorter spawntime. And the second stage is too easy to turtle, so with a bad spawntime, you are royally screwed.
You are calling for balance and then call for Battery-oasis-beach? :p

adler is played regularly..

frost is back in the maplist tho and i absolutely love that map same goes for Karsiah which is pretty awesome map and quiet balanced tho..
You might want to read what I said, again, as I wasn't referring to the maps being balanced but to the gameplay regarding them. And, even so, yes... Battery (sw_battery at the very least), as well as beach are quite balanced. Oasis could be with few minor improvements.

Funny thing about Karsiah, to my knowledge.. no one ever complained about it. Everyone regards it as a pretty solid map, yet it's been taken out of mappools everywhere. The bigger issue is the strict pool of only 6 maps for both CB and ESL in every cup they host, prioritizing some maps over others.
There is a lot of versions for these "oldschool" maps that are used at pubs (yeah mostly fun mods like jaymod/nq), but they have a few things/ways that makes it a bit easier to play..
shut the fuck up
gl one of the best/smartest engis in this game
gl jenka! good pick for any top team, one of the few skilled obj based smg engineers out there
Yench - PlAyer - Kevin - siL - TBA - TBA
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