AIRENIIIII avi for CB games

Hi guys, I´m avi for some nice team - can play in the highest leagues. Avi for Medic/Fops post. Thanks!

Let's start the same flame war? (

Thanks for the flame, now I need a team :)
You get flamed because you overrate yourself
Flamed by Galiathus?
as if it was only me who has the oppinion that you're one of the most useless players around in this game atm, your aim isn't even bad as long as it doesn't come to face to face situations, but not reviving, braindeadly ramboing, not contributing to reaching the obj... all those things make you anything but better than low+
Quotecan play in the highest leagues

And although you dealt more damage he was the only one of you two who was actively helping the team instead of just fragging around and still ended up landing more kills :D
he's implying he's better because he made more damage :D
yeah that's what i was thinking.
Kalli wasn't the only one flaming you in that avi post, I don't understand why you can't tell us your negatives and positives? you just assume you can play in these leagues and not expect to get flamed? :D you have absolutely no proof that you can play in these "high leagues".

and If you're gonna link us to any matches, at least link us to a match where you actually won something vs a decent team in a legit league, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a 1st, or 2nd division
Well, I am not trying to defend him, I don't really know how he plays and I am not gonna judge his playstyle based on few matches I saw, but since he is not banned anywhere technically he CAN play in highest leagues. Technicality asides, there are many so called useless players already playing there, it's not like everyone playing in EC/OC first div. is of extreme use everytime they play.
I dont point to YOU something, I point something to Snatixx, who was playing this match with me. It´s not about dmg, It´s about the teamplay and communication etc...

If he remembers that match, he would know why I´m pointing to this match.

And I don´t care about this flame. I don´t need to prove something, why need I? If you wants - try me, if you don´t want - then don´t try me. It´s simple.

I really dont care about some words from Galiathus, who is writing that he is med+ and still cant find stable team.

And anyway, people who are flaming me never played with me more than 2~3 matches. ("Well played guys :)") It´s nice to see how even worse players than me are pointing that they are med/+ and noone gives a shit. But when I wrote one irrelevant sentence "can play in the highest leagues" which doesnt mean anything, there is a huge flame. I didn´t start a flame war , I don´t care. Highest can mean everything.

People flame me in every match, IRC/fun. If I win, they are talking bullshit, whining and giving me funny nicknames. When I lose, they are supercilious.

Still, This is only a game. "If you don't have any haters , you must be doing something wrong..."

And to be right. I never heard about "Jetrulz" but still he must write something in this topic, to be funny or to follow the community. I´m black sheep, but I´m standing behind my statement.

You was worthy to answer, because you are not like others and not flaming me for nothing. Thanks!
But is this topic about me? i mean, yeah i played shit during this match, opponents were too good for me, but at least i never claimed i'm able to compete in the highest leagues, unlike you. You also were shit, just going for damages and not able to make any.
dmg aint all.
ur shit.

but so is kalli, so he should shut the fuck up
Quote can play in the highest leagues

:D :D :D Damn that those high players aren't playing anymore :D :D :D

tard stays tard. gg.
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