aiRen avi - Lets be serious

Hello again, after huge flame I considered that I need to write true.
  • Skill: low+
  • Availability: when you will need me except friday/saturday
  • Nation: Slovakia Slovakia
  • Class: SMG only
  • About me: Funny guy who wants to start play smart in this game, wanna start use brain and dont care about dmg. I would like to play with funny guys who will not look at dmg and prefer teamplay, not dmg.
    Maybe I need to be carried, but I promise that I´ll improve myself really fast if you can help me.

You can found me on IRC, channel #crossfire under nick aiRen, or simply PM ME here.

Thanks for your attention!

image: Hunter-035__3__www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
You're not a bad player, just need to work on your teamplay. I told you this when we played in 7sins :)
I´m trying, really. It´s the reason why I want to "start from the start".
listen to wra1th he knows what he is talking about -- gl
that troll :D

good luck anyway, can be a nice guy + deserves a good team
It´s not troll. I agree with all flame. I´m not worthy to represent as player who is able to play at highest leagues. Maybe my aim is decent, but this game is not only about aim and dmg. When I´ll really start to play for the team and will be smarter, then I can look for skilled teams.

Maybe I can kill or play versus skilled opponents. Maybe I can do dmg vs them, but I´ll lost because they have more experiance (they use brain) than me and they can easily overplay me.
Feel the same way mostly i play.

But my aim is shit. :ASDASDAS:DASDASDd
ok gl man, good player
that wasn't so hard now was it? :)))

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