dexter avi

Hello crossfire,

after Europe Fus folded since United Kingdom Williams got banned, we decided with France TOMOYO and Czech Republic t4mj to be lookin for some other teams cuz we dont think we could find 3 more guys which will be fine for all of us.

I want to team which will participate in OC prem - ATLEAST!!!!.

» medic/sng eng/2nd fops
» avi 3 times a week
» played oc prem 3times, played nc (2 matches - bitches)
» mainly looking for teams which already got 5 members, but new projects are also welcome if it looks promising

pm me here or /q dxtr_ or dxtr__

good luck Sir
good luck mate !
gl dext0r
gl mate!
great player and very friendly lad :)
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