.: Lost Soldiers 2k13 :.

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2k13 and no Lost Soldiers et team so far?!... not anymore ! ;-D
We are back to have some fun and to compete in the next CB Season.
Since I decided way too late to do a team we need some new faces for our team (sorry mates <3).

Need 2 guys: 1 rifle - 1 revive medic or an awesome engi smg or 1 aggressive medic
  • Skill: med+ prefer players who played already ocprem or higher
  • be mature, 18+ would fit perfect
  • Avi at Mondays and Sundays from 20 CET

Our lineup so far:

Mr. Objective Germany laNgo
Mr. most underrated Frenchie France Snatixx
Mr. most improved lanplayer Germany caTchEr (wb to et! ;D)
Mr. pizzaboy Italy vj7o

pm here or idle #ls.et

Thanks for your attention!!

we would like to try you out on the 1st april ?!

thanks.. i found your mail you wrote to me on cb .. so i decided "ah come on.. why not" ;DD
that's the spirit! :P
early april joke?
hahah catcher :DDD
avi reviving
stabbed mysterious monkeys?
stabbstabb ..japp :S
caTchEr..... i want to belive :DDDD
catcher :D he is actually the most underrated player et ever saw
gl ladies <3 and wb catcher
Snatix stabbing our backup position :S
why no more bananas ?
gl Daniel m8 !
stabb! :(

gl guys!
snatix, couldnt wish you more bonne chance!
avi ofc!
Wäre gerne dabei, aber durch meine Arbeit wäre das nur bedingt möglich, bzw. nur zu flexiblen Uhrzeiten. :/
putzen kannste auch vormittags machen!
Ne, ich arbeite halt abwechselnd in Schichten (in 'ner Druckerei) und zwar eine Woche Nachtschicht von 22-6 Uhr, eine Woche Spätschicht von 14-22 Uhr und eine Woche Frühschicht von 6-14 Uhr (danach geht's wieder von vorn mit Nachtschicht los). Es wäre also möglich, aber da muss der Rest natürlich sehr flexibel sein. :p
If you ever take either woooo or DonMatthias, don't even bother pm me ever again!

Otherwise, goodluck paaaaals! :D
Das catcher :D

wir beide ?
good luck m8!
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