MISBEHAVE recruiting for OC

we are looking for players to complete our line-up. Last year's team was great but we had to split up because of Diablo 3 and our magic rifle's new school (shoutout to you guys).

What we are looking for is:
- rifle
- two medics
- 2nd engi or fops

Current lineup:
Poland ckie
Poland mentor

We'll most likely play 2-3 times a week in the evenings (days to be discussed). We rather prefer polish players but exceptions can be made (dunno yet). Also if you are an old friend or a person we know and you want to play let us know as fast as you can. Don't expect anything big like rolling the highest divs as this team is rather formed to have fun and enjoy gaming with nice people.

Anyway we are now back and would like to play again, so if your are interested don't hesitate and pm me here or query me on irc @ #misbhv.

Also I'd like to wish you, dear CF users, happy Easter.

kurwa widzę, że rifli brakuje wszędzie ;D
nie to ze nas jest 2 i generalnie to wszystkiego nam brakuje :D
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