Tzac client file is missing?

Hey girls,

I bought a new PC and wanted to install tzac again, but everytime I try to start it, it says:

"tzac client file is missing, update didn't help. Please try again or check the website for more information."

so any Ideas ?
I did this and i still get an error :S, client file missing
1st dl the setup.exe then the update file
after this go to ur tzac folder and replace the tzac.exe with the update file tzac.exe

should work then
yep I did that and I still get that client file missing error, it has probably something to do with my windows 8 or my anti-virus , I ll get a friend to help me via teamviewer soon anyways
pm Wut he can help u over teamviewer^^
hahah nah I got some1 of my trust :D
that was easy :D

Thank you two ;)
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