gg tzac gg

<link removed>

i know ^^ its not the critical part of the code, but y would he publish his code on a hack forum anyway ^^
yes i know that he is a long time community member of but anyway^^ lets see what he'll release next

he should better update tzac or finish tzac3 ^^
Dude, it isn't perhaps the critical part of the code, but it's enough to cheat.
Fucked up shit!!
need new anticheat ^^
need someone who follow the shit....
Your an admin of a hosting cup.
Get us a new anti-cheat.
Probably noone else would.
It's almost a free pass to cheats now.
And this sucks.

There have been skillboosters lately, but now we will welcome the return of the high-/high/high+ in et.
This sucks.
New anti-virus.
pff edited it. ffs
you suck.
how does supervising players playing have anything to do with software development ?
its like expecting ur mailman to clean ur room wtf

there have been skillboosters latley? hello? [sarcasm at its best]i dont watch soccer but im pretty sure ronaldo was always good as he is "Today" ... [/sarcasm at its best]
You better learn C++ / C# language to code your own shit, and trust me, not that easy.. This is not the fault of a cup hosting admin.
I like how ESL WIRE supports ET and will totally be useful for IRC wars or EC/NC
I like how you are completely not sarcastic at all
They made the magnificent VERSUS mode!
I guess we'll have to drop CB then :S
Far from magnificent, used it in cod4 and can easily say it will never work for ET
they just stole matchmaking idea from game developers and integrated it into a website, no originality, stealing! :PP
real belst? :$
real me what? :D
time for u to shine again man ;)
yes, thats it chaplja who just made some of his source code avaliable to the public - WAT!

ofc its not chaplja... obv tzac servers wer under a security breach, hence why updates stoped because updates are useless if they can be published on a public site by a random guy making fun of chaplja.
atleast that is my logic, wish gl to msh100 and chap on fixing this asap!
It is posted with chapja account on that site.
He already has admitted that it was/is his account.

The question is: was it really him who posted that?
yes password cracking in 2013 with public free software is impossible

and if it is posted by him, his intension would be to get some help with the "Outdated / problematic code"
wich he would do via priv emails to be more secure, not share his super secret project publicly?
He just doesn't care anymore. Not after what happened to him because what Tzac caused to him and 'his' vendetta against Deathcode. That's my guess.
yes, speculating what is going on will reaveal what realy is going on

a project to make thousands of users enjoy their favorite game should be kept private thats why we are not getting updated everyday about what is going on. tzac worked before and tzac still works even without updating it has busted alot of players, if it cant detect a new cheat now, it will later, as tzac proved us over and over again.
arent u speculating there as well? or do you know this as a matter of fact?
This is all a bit plot to lure people in to thinking he 'left', let them cheat then silent detection BOOM, a lot of 'skilled' players in EC/OC get busted :)))
or "marketing" trick from cheatc0d0rs, ddos tzac - tzac down - here cheat
and then(yes chinese voice)
QuoteBOOM, a lot of 'skilled' players in EC/OC get busted :)))
Funny that you are defending someone you do not know at all.
in my opinion he know how to put a password that is safe.

because yes there are easy crackable password, but if you are smart and you don't want to get "hacked" by a public free software, then you know how to put something harder to be cracked.

sorry for my engrish skills but i'm sure anyone who give an effort will get my message.
brute force.

Any semi-decent secure password, will take years if not decades to be cracked by brute force and a really decent one, as you would expect from chaplja would take a lot more, not to mention you would need a dedicated super-computer to be trying combinations 24/7 to even get close.
want me to give you an email and you try crack that then? seems like you know a lot more about this, prove me wrong
i am not going to commite an international crime just to prove how easy passwords are revealed.
ye didnt expect you to accept the challenge anyways, ...not like you would be able to crack a password for example like this:

"just to prove how easy passwords are revealed" tells me you have no clue about brute force
you do know all u hawe to do is decrypt the hash and ur done? it takes like 2seconds
hhahahahahaha pls just stop pretending you know a shit about this, so tell me again that it takes 2 secs to crack this password::

But nah haha pls contiue replying with this sort of stuff--I was expecting you to post some bunch of linux screenshots as well. You are rlly funny man , either you are rlly "trolling" or you are really ignorant.
not like he included the most crucial parts of the anticheat
barely anything special in that code
he left out most of it
like you know the whole one
Like the original? No of course not.
All I meant is he left out the interesting parts.
Did anyone even check out what was released? The release is near worthless, meaning that he released stuff anyone could figure out themselves. No actual detection code was released.
told you to abandon this useless program
can't say pb was any more useful tho, huh?
you just prove me right because they did abandon pb eventually
that's what I said... TZAC is better, doesn't make it good tho
well, can you name some anti-cheat that's more useless than pb? :P
I want arrow back :<
me too but unfortunately he has a girlfriend and lives his dream. no time for ET, i already tried to make him come back 3-4 times.
What he released is just a load of crap, sure it was a part of tzac but the "important" stuff he left out obviously
yes ^^
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