Same Germans

image: 127781237-4

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I guess their wallhack really is undetected or its just taking a long time to bust them. I played vs them just an hour ago, and they were hacking still.
well a lot of cheats is undetected right now for tzac ... its rly easy to bypass them ... now it getting worse caus the TZAC 2 source is now available :( , rip Etpro scene
yeah well I just read that thread and blackwolf's thread was a few months ago before that even happened. (Source code on that website)
Back to playing only people you know aka back to 2005
wtf man, rather go side, it's way easier!!
Just because some nonamers are better then you it doesnt mean they cheat
not sure if you're trolling or fucking stupid, but that's not a hard decision to make.
no mean to offend here but even if they are hacking which is most likely as you posted in that other link, but they are still lows with bots , even paper was owning them with his laptops touchpad xd and me with a 3 eur mouse, cmon xd
ok, I don't really care what you owned or paper owned, I made this thread to keep people alert that they are still hacking with tzac, so I don't really care if they got owned with laptop touchpad or u with your 5 euro mouse, I didn't say I lost that war either anyway
3 euro mouse*
wow chill the fuck down guy, read how i started my comment perhaps? NO OFFENSE in bad english but ye, I am just saying they are lows with bots. Also there is a ton of guys currently cheating but its no real surprise if you play vs ppl with 50k+ tzac (even 40k now) that get 5 time integrity failure error when connecting to a server.... as for example "fillus" there.
I still don't get your point you trying to make? ofc there is a bunch of people probably hacking with tzac now, Better to report it to show others who they are than saying nothing at all and letting them get their faces hacked.

and I am chill, just don't really care how you owned them and with cheap gaming requirement. and if you were just speaking in general how low they are, then don't quote me, because I dont give 2 shits :)
nah thats cool to post those I guess, I was just pointing out how skilled paper is with his touchpad. My point was and is that they r lows with bots >< . And adding some content to your journal which hasnt got much info by saying that you can expect playing vs cheaters if a random 50k+ tzac connects and has integrity failures repeatedly.
Love that philosophy. Say no offence and you've got a pass to say anything you like.

Got a joke for you, don't mean any offence by it.

What's the difference between your mum and Moby Dick? About 3 pounds
wow you nerds seriously got touched by a random comment haha, nice joke btw, would laugh if I was 12
Basically "no offence" means brace yourself gonna say something annoying. No didn't get touched just hate that saying.
not sure why you took it as "annoying" as I was bashing on the hacking players not the other way.
Lol, you're so ignorant. Nothing in his comment points out that he is offended by anything, he just says he doesn't care about what you told him, and he is right.
I think I might know that release guy...
and I think I might know this Techniker guy.. :)
lets have babies greenclon
oh hai m8 :)
he was in nobrain :) developed to a cheater in the last year with the "et is dead, so lets cheat the fuck out of it"-mentality
kk, proves me right :S
well, he never was a part of the legendary nB|Talentschmiede anyway
jep played some wars again this.. who ever rly obvious guys and release is bustet
image: 3005u02

how does that feel
release busted n1 joke :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::DD:D::D:D:D:D:D:D
^^ I love all my haters ^^
:D... selbst Jäger hat schon die scheißegal haltung.
Naja, wenigstens kriegst jetzt jemand down ne? :D
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