t4Mj / SwaN #2

Since United Kingdom Fus is goin somehow wrong, I would like to join another team, where I could improve more.


still willing to improve, able to play against better teams
Would like to attend EC or atleast OC prem
Can play all SMGs


On decent level
Playin OC prem or EC

If any team will be interested pmme here or on IRC #clanbase.et /q [CB]t4Mj

image: 399906_479980472073298_125400166_n

whats wrong with fus? :_D gl anyway
williams :_D
Willimas the F1 car? :D
1/5. Expected somebody (read Scarce) will tell that joke
you suck nigger
gl swanidius

oh wait
<3 tamj
gl t4mj
GL t4mj mate :)
gl m8
hope you find someone worthy of your skill
something wrong with fus? cannot be! :D

gl in OC prem, it's not your time in EC yet
williams :_D
hodně štěstý tommy, ačkoliv jak psal roba, OC premier easy,ale EC :p

snad někoho najdeš a budeš jim i chodit na pracc :D
Já jsem chodil na trenály:O I když poslední dobou byli kamarádi a pivo přednější než ty jejich hovna na TS:D
Ale i tak díky :)
pracc hard go pro :D

by bylo super kdybys mohl hrát s náma! :D
mluvil jsem s tím vašim CL už, bohužel dneska mercuju offi s T4, takže to asi neklapne
tušim to je jen crossfire cup?
"Can play all SMGs"
Oh shitttt

TZAC gone? :P
whats with your nick?
nothin, why?
swanidius wnb, is that weird? :D
T4mJ @ EC? Oh come on :D
gl FinlandSwanidius
nothing was going through with fus... night he left we won every game we played... team messed up on missile but due to a few players not know the map that's it.

was you drunk again tm4j when wrote this?
I can't believe you're english, or it's maybe because you don't rly care about the player/team that u can't even respect ur own language's rules. Guess after all those people leaving you/your team should admit being a pain for any reasonnable player that is willing to enjoy a game quietly and for fun.

You do seem to be a lost case though. Go back to your super tactical 2k13 plans plz, and hopefuly you manage to win something w/o tamj in prem div, as you're def not 1st div worthy
pfff, team lost to mLG and players are leaving :$
pfff, team lost to mLG and players are leaving :$
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