Real Madrid vs. Borussia Dortmund

Real Madrid 3-0 Borussia Dortmund

Jose Mourinho : "if we play the same way we have played in many games and we have the spirit to win a great game we will do it."
Dortmundo gonna roll
:) 2-1 for Real.
do all Portuguese people want to anal fuck Ronaldo?
6-0 heard it here 1st

izi dortmund
No doubt Real gonna win. The only question is, what's the difference gonna be?
both Spain teams looks so unstable :/
Real is able to score max 3 goals but they will get min 1 goal for sure...

Germany final on Wembley for 95% :(
I love Real Madrid, they will win this match, but not gonna make it to the finals. The last thing I ever wanted a final between 2 teams from the same country.
2:1 for madrid :))
1-1, borussia will get image: 0001HIZ5SV0DS0JR-C116-F4 into their goal
ok u r right dude
any usefull streams out there?
Bye bye Gaynaldo ahahah
was fun last 15 minutes..
Gosh, if they would only score once during those 3 chances they had first half, it would have gone completely different way.

e: Higuaín worse player ever.
agree, dont even understand how murinho could keep him on the field for that long
Don't even know why he would put him in first, after seeing how he played the first game. Also Di Maria and Özil
were playing horrible, just shooting over half the pitch, without making any proper passes at all, completely crap game thro entire game.
Özil played winger in dortmund, he did well on the 10 today as usual. if every team would have scored every chance they had in summary of these two matches, it would have been: 8:4 for dortmund. so stop whining, the better team advanced to the final, let's be objective!
The fact is, that his passes were completely useless, same with Di Maria, if they would play as they normally play, the game would have had completely different meaning.
u kidding me?
no doubt that dortmund was better at the first match, but at the second one, real just proved how good they are. higuaín, özil and ronaldo had more chances at the first 20 mins than dortmund had at both matches.
still Bayern the best team ever :-))
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