Slovenian guy called...

Blaz akka "immoo" needs a 6on6 team to play a bit, since encrypt akka spLd seems to have a longer pause :)

Doesn't really matter what league... EC/OC premier ...avi also for upcoming LAN in Hungary... used to play eng/fop ...also medic but hell.. that class is boring :)

you can find me here or qry me @ #JRPlayers

have a nice day!
gl m8 , best engi ever
so spld fold?
GL lovemonster :* heard #jrplayers were searching for a najz guy though :D
ahaha faggot
gl immooo
Biggest peder in the game!
ha ha... where are you?! :)
gl immoo [x
Best swat engineer evah!
what the fuck?
i was the last hoping to play some games with spLd.. i guess you believe me :)
fucking unreal that i leave for like 1-2 weeks, come back and it's all fucked up
what should i do mate? ..we can rebuild it, if you wanna... but i won't play with a guys.. who are setting some dates to play, adn never show up... was only 1or 2 days.. it's not like 4-5
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