ICL 16 - Travel guide

image: infinity_logo_hu

As I promised here in this thread I'll give you some help about traveling to Hungary, especially to the ICL LAN centre.
I've already mentioned, that the LAN takes place 30km-s away from Budapest, in the city called Vác. River Danube is crossing the city, therefore the panorama is excellent there.

image: V%C3%A1c%20(belv%C3%A1ros)

I guess many of you will choose the plane, to get here. I've already mentioned it to many, but for those who still don't know which flights to take, I strongly recommend looking around at http://wizzair.com/en-GB/Search. They provide the best, and cheapest flights around (example: Eindhoven-> Budapest 19.99€).

Once you get to Budapest, you have some choices how to get to Vác:
1. You can choose the train way. On http://elvira.mav-start.hu/elvira.dll/xslvzs/uf page you can check it yourself, by typing in from Budapest to Vác. It costs rougly 2,5 euros, and takes 30 minutes.
2. You can choose the bus way. http://ujmenetrend.cdata.hu/uj_menetrend/en/index.php On that page you can check it yourself, it takes 55 minutes, and costs a bit less than train.
3. I'll try to organise some pick up cars, which will take you exactly to the LAN centre in no more than 20 minutes. I'll fix the prices for that later, and add some more details, if teams are interested.

Well I hope I gave you a basic idea about traveling with this, it's pretty cheap, and easy. I'll come up with an accomodation guide shortly, so you can plan on that as well.
For those that are interested at the LAN centre, here are some pictures of the last ICL LAN:
I also have a pretty great suprise to be announced in some days, it will be BIG.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me either in comment, pm, or query at IRC in #ub.et
I hope the teams that were interested in coming are still motivated, and soon you guys should register your team on the lan page, which can be found above.
ORIGINAL NEWSPOST:http://www.crossfire.nu/news/8117/icl-16-summer-lan-hungary
SIGN UPS POSTt:http://www.crossfire.nu/threads/46754/icl-16-sign-ups-update-1

Thanks for the attention, cheers!
nice gl :)
oh yeah there are chicks ?! :D
i will attend for sure ^^
ofc there are
enschede doesn't even have an airport mate, how are you suppose to fly from there :)
Eindhoven it is, my mistake, edited :)
stfu australian attention whore
how is that?
I browse this website max once a week
what I've said under this :)
for the hungarians, mainly yes, for the foreigners , PC renting is there.
he asked if its bring your own BEER
oh man, how stupid I am! nope, you can get the best hungarian beers there, just as known foreign ones
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