COD4 . FLASHBACK by wass4

image: PORTADA-TECNOFIELDS-2013--INGLES_zpsada59fd2

After so long I finally finish this movie that i have in standby for a long time, since due to work and other things, impeded me to finish it, because for those who do not know, moviemaking demands a lot of time. I really did't like the finished movie, but i wanted to release it before Tecnofields 2013

This time i presents you a movie from the Tecnofields 2012, where there was a Call of Duty 4 Lan and we attended to that event. It was one of the first events we attended as a COD4 team. Beating all teams . And this is humble way to remember of this great victory for ilu7ionGamerz.

Thank you all, and hope you like it!

PD: Youtube, destroyed the quality, if you want to see it in HD. the download link is below the video description

not my taste in music but a decent sync to it.
overedited, its flashy and all over the place.
poor frags.
outdated game.
reminds me of old times :D

isnt it dead already?!
Is that Kamz at the end ? Lol
dem girls in da video
that was an okay video. Some of the players you played against seemed retarded tho lol
I liked it, brought back some memories. What was the level of oppos you played at that lan?
moeten wij dit weer eens doen met de boys?
Als ik terug kom uit Malta, yesyes
dat in air sniper :D
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