ICL 16 - Accomodation guide

image: infinity_logo_hu

After the travel guide, here I'd like to help every attendant and spectator to choose the most suitable accomodation for himself. Once you get to Hungary Vác, you have many options, where to stay, let it be the cheapest, or the luxurious.

The first and cheapest option for anyone is to sleep near his rented PC..that's free. However this option is not for those, who need more than 4 hours of sleep. :)
Secondly, you have the chance to rent a room from the LAN organisers, in the nearby workers hostel. This is 200 meters away from the LAN centre, and every room has 2-3 beds, so if you choose this, it is advised to bring some kind of poly-foam carpet or mattress as well. This shouldnt cost more than ~2-3 euros/ night.
The options above are the really cheapest options.

Then if you prefer some nice stay in Hungary Vác, I can suggest renting a room in the guesthouses or pensions nearby. Now from these kind of accomodations, there is a wide scale at Hungary Vác. I'll list them with some short details:

Google maps
This is an apartman that is not that close to the LAN centre, 6 km-s away, which you can travel by bus easily, as the bus stop is just next to the LAN centre. The capacity of the apartman is 25, but you can rent a single room with one or two beds (usually in Hungary, if you guys dont want to pay much, you can rent a room with 2 beds, and sleep there with 3-4 for some low extra fee..). I've phoned the owner of the apartman, but he did not answer, but the price should be no more than 15-20 euros / night for a room.
Contact: [email protected]

Google maps
This pension is also almost 6 kms away from the LAN centre, but the distance is pretty short with bus. The capacity of it is 16, and it has 6 rooms. This accomodation costs 6000 HUF / night this is ~ 20.3 Euros for a person. It is a really clean, and nice pension, I can suggest it to anyone.

Google maps
This is a little bit closer to the LAN centre, it is 3 kms away from it. If you're not up to walking, the bus stops there as well. The capacity of this is 48 person. There are rooms with 2 and 3 beds that are rentable. The rooms are maybe not the best, five star rooms, but this pension also brings some excitement into your life. First of all its not that far, it has a small football pitch near it, and there is a mini bar under the rooms. The costs here are somewhat the same as the upper pension, a bit less than 20 Euros / person / night.
Contact: [email protected]

Google Maps
This pension is 3,5 kms away from the LAN centre, just as usual, it can be travelled by bus for those that don't like walking, bicycling. I can recommend this pension for those, that are somewhat familiar to animals, as you can get in touch with variable animals (pets) in that pension. Also if you order something like food or drink to that pension, it is free for you. It has rooms with 2 beds, but just as I said you can bargain for some extra fee and then you sleep more in a room. A two-bedded room costs 7000 HUF/night, that is ~23.5 Euros.
Contact: [email protected]

Google Maps
This pension is a pretty decent one in my opinion. It's a pension and a drink bar together. There are rooms with 1,2,3 and 4 beds that you can rent. The single room costs 7000HUF / night, ~23.5 Euros. The double costs 9000 HUF / night , ~30.4 Euros. The 3 bed room costs 10000 HUF / night, ~ 33.8 euros. The room with 4 beds costs 11000 HUF / night, ~ 37.2 Euros. This pension is one of the best around, it has billiard tables, a well equipped drink bar, and it is 5km-s away from the Centre.
Contact: [email protected]
Website: http://www.csillagpanzio.hu

Now here is a small list of Hotels nearby:

Google Maps
Now this is the most expensive, and the best possible option in Vác if you want real quality. This 3 stars Hotel lies straight on the side of river Danube, and therefore the panorama is excellent. The rooms are impressive , each of them provides great quality. There are rooms with 1,2,4 and 5 beds that you can rent. The costs, in this order are the following ( every price is per room per night): 10000 HUF , ~ 33.8 Euros, 13000 HUF, ~ 44 Euros, 20000 HUF, ~67.6 Euros and 25000HUF, ~ 84.5 Euros. This is surely the most expensive around, but for those that money is not a problem, this is the best option really.
Contact: [email protected]
Website: http://www.camelothotel.hu

Google Maps
This hotel is only 3 kms away from the LAN centre. It is not as luxurious as the one before, but it also provides a nice stay if you're there. It is a discrete, traditional hotel that provides a relaxing stay if you're there, with a friendly service. It has rooms with 2 and 3 beds, that you can rent. The first one costs ~20.3 Euros / person / night, the one with 3 beds cost ~15.2 Euros / person / night (note that on that room, all beds should be filled, or even you can get 4-5 people inside for that price).

Well these are the ones I could gather some informations about right now, on the lanseries site, under "Quarters" you can also find these accomodations, and even some more, mainly with an email adress and a website. If you have anything else to ask feel free to message me here, or at IRC in #ub.et channel. Also you can send an email yourself asking for customized prices at most of the accomodations.

We are looking forward to everyone that attends, we hope that people will get more motivation soon. The event will hopefully have a full GTV coverage (thanks to the help of United Kingdom Msh100), and also those very exciting matches will be shoutcasted by either our beloved United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands Voice (looks like they are going to follow the event online only), but *SPOILER INCOMING* there is a chance that we will meet the Crossfire God, the beloved, one and only United Kingdom TosspoT at the LAN to shoutcast some matches in oldschool style!

I hope this will motivate even more people! For those that are sure to come, make sure that you sign up on the LAN site, and check the details about payments.
Travel guide
Sign ups
Original newspost

Thanks for the attention, cheers!
his Crossfire flag tricked me, he is from UK then I believe?
and voice is from NL :P
oh thanks!
dont listen to them marcus is Poland
tosspot would be amazing :D

but i doubt that will happen :P
I've contacted him, talked some stuff over the LAN, and he's showing interest, so don't doubt it so quickly! :)
Damn, I would love to attend (and get my fourth last place in a row).
But exams right after that weekend :(
You can learn here, no probs.
Still no PC info? I need only $ data, how much / day ? Maybe I form a team or join one
Well I've got the prices for the whole event only (bootcamp + 3 days), don't really know about one day. For the event the computer is 5000 HUF and the monitor is 2000 HUF. Lets divide it with 3 or 4, and that should be for a day. About the specs, I only know the monitor specs, as the PCs are being renewed (atleast NewZoO claims that). The monitors are Samsung 943NW , 19” LCD. Go form a team, the more the better!
Thats 18 euros for the pc for the whole event ? Are you kidding? Or am i wrong? Thats really really cheap
well thats for the PC, and plus the monitor for 2000 HUF, that's ~ 8-9 euros. :) There is a renting option on the site, don't use it yet though, it is not filled with the new PCs. :)
Looking good, thanks for putting all together.
Definitely a useful guide. :)
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