Dirty Bomb Feedback

Ok since posting in threads seems not to be bumping them into the main page of CF anymore, I'll start a new thread even if I know that there is already plenty of topics for this game.

I only learnt about this game few weeks ago and the only feedback I could read were outdated.
Is there any RTCW/ET players still involved in this alpha who could give some feedback here or privately about the evolution of the game. I mean will it be another QW/Brink fail or is it actually evolving in a good way? Any ET/RTCW players must understand what I suggest by good way....

Missing ET so much, I am really hoping this won't be trash
Do you really hope it's gonna be a clone of ET? Won't happen bro. Give it a chance as a standalone game and look at it from a rather neutral point of view...
I don't expect it to be a ET clone, I just want to find the same amount of enjoyement for the game.
the only comparison it can have with ET is a) being free and b) using medic/fieldops/engineer etc classes. it will probably be quite a nice game, nothing like ET though. =)
Hmm, why not? I mean sure I don't think there is gonna be strafe jumping for example but maybe the core gameplay will still be really close to ET, really focused on team play and interaction between classes.

Plus it seems a bit slower than ET but I think it's ok, from what I've seen in videos there is a lot of "strafe shooting", weapons seems accurate etc
that's just for the videos, I can almost guarantee the most accurate way to shoot will be with ironsights. :P the old "aim from the hip" style is pretty much over in all modern FPS games afaik.

but yeah, being focused on teamplay doesn't mean it'll have any similar feel to ET/RtCW ;)
Quotethat's just for the videos, I can almost guarantee the most accurate way to shoot will be with ironsights. :P the old "aim from the hip" style is pretty much over in all modern FPS games afaik.

Quotethat's just for the videos, I can almost guarantee the most accurate way to shoot will be with ironsights. :P the old "aim from the hip" style is pretty much over in all modern FPS games afaik.


Edit: Just felt like being a dick, no really, iron sight's are... more.. "accurate", but hip-fire is DEFINITELY not as retarded as in, say, bf3/cod in which it almost becomes impossible to use in at longer ranges. It's probably still going to be the preferred firing method for the majority of people, with a disadvantage tiny enough not to be of a big issue.. On medium/longer ranges you'll obviously want to mix it up a bit though.

Also, suck it potty, this is why I got an account that's completely unrelated to any and all of my emails carrying a different username too. Leaking can be fun!
Looks like a generic FPS coming out these days, prob just trying to compete/copy battlefield/CoD etc
From what I've seen it looks still a bit faster/ accurate than these type of games so I think (hope?) it will be much more dynamic. And there is classes which is great.
I tried to ask Potty, he said he cant say anything...
That's bad for me :(
You can still play ET you know, if you actually missed the game so much.
Not many players left to play against
how many do you need? :D
I need a real community to have challenge
Implying you're that good...playing against the "lower" teams left in the community probably is challenge enough.
I am not saying I am "that good" and I'll not discuss about this this is not the point, but I really enjoyed playing the game when it had a big community, lots of people to play against/with, lot of activity on IRC to find wars etc...
This is what I want for the next FPS I'll get involved in
So be part of the few that you can play against.
No food on the table absolutly NO FOOD AT ALL
Bad news for ROSS xDD
There are quite alot of ET/RtCW players in the DirtyBomb alpha, however you have to accept a thingy saying that you wont talk about the game or spread info about it... More info will come when devs have it.
Is there any good players testing it able to give good feedbacks?
they'll rather try to get players from CoD to play it than from ET, as CoD has a lot more players -- that should give you an idea
No thx I'd rather play dota 2 than this kid game
Is there a way to get access to the alpha if I bought the 30$ package?
No, you'll get access to more gameplay video tho, that's what I did. You get priority access to the beta later on.
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