looking for staff

A game server provider is looking for a gifted indevidual to manage 30 plus game servers over 4 different games, classing them as test servers and community servers. This is a big project that will require time commitment and dedication, You will have the -ability to :
-edit configs
-add mods
-monitor there activity.
-Speak english

Coming up with new ideas and potentially test out new games before they have been released.
You will have direct contact with the staff ensuring continued developement of the servers and reciving feedback from you is essential to the role
Enthusiasts only, even though this may be at a point to being a paid role, we are looking for someone who just has a great ambition and passion for the gaming industry.
If this sounds something suited to you please add gameplayservers on steam
Passion would be running maximum of 3 servers, even that's sometimes time consuming, having over 30+ servers is a multiple hours commitment on daily basis, which i dobut anyone will work for free.
in time they will get paid or getting something else in return
Yeah let's not mention the name or you are sure nobody would want to join xD
OH WAIT, you did mention them as steam username!

What a publicity stunt, best promotion I've ever seen: perhaps we can get someone if we don't mention its for GPS..
Fact that you're doing this application thing through Steam says enough about how 'professional' this 'company' is managed...
I might consider it if I get access to the dedis at the very least, if I'm not being paid... I'll want root to toy around with.
30+ servers

for free

It's GPS obviously, a "company" which considers windows servers as more stable than linux
Would be nice if some people could stop whining and try to help them out instead. Just saying.
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