I've Often Wondered

Why is CF the slowest fucking website on the entire planet?

25000 gamers here and no one can set up a good server for a simple forum?
this site needs more wats, 1000 minimum
iv got the powaaar...

on topic tho, because noob coders & shit server, seareaol out

Faster Then Light
maybe 25000 gamers here but activ is 1% of them - the older version was much better
simple forum, mkay.
it is full of nonsense ...
most retarded website award, goes to.....
And you may have one for contributing! Yay :D
Thanks :D take on yourself as well! We all deserve them
inderdaad autist.
The website? Because that is what the users make of it then.
Hipkat? I know xD
blame the staff,even the users r trolling the staff, way before u ever knew about crossfire.
Of course the staff eventually has allowed retards as urself to keep on posting their shit, that's their fault indeed. It's not like the users can also just NOT do that of course, blame the staff.
like i said, it was like this way before u wer even here, since time went on, and after manny lolz from kamz & other trolls i decided to join the ranks of the so called rebbels against crossfire, since the website itself was boring as hell, thanks to US, the crossfire stayed alive. without us, u would never know about crossfire, without us, there would have been no esports. mocking the admins and making retards mad since the begining of time, we are the creators of illuminati.
Yes, acting like retards always brings activity. So you guys are responsible for all these newcoming retards, thanks!
bring the noise
I still <3 ya lol

btw u still playing any et? :P
Seriously, it's a forum with embedded ads. It's basically all text and hyperlinks with a few images. I get that I'm 13000 milesaway, but it shouldn't take a minute and a half for the site to open.

And ffs, clicking on a link should be set to _new window. Who built this site, 10 year olds?
eventho facebook.com has a repsonse time for me 110-180ms, and it waaay bigger.. il put it this way,
i can check my messages, like some statuses, check my messages again and logout, closing the tab,checking on crossfire, the damn page still didnt load :D

this happens when u allow the survivors of a plane crash to code a "new generation" website
Yah, and the old version was better.....
same here, liked it more.. eventho u prolly mean the performance :P agree on that one two.
And ffs who forgot to implent a reply button, am I right? :P
lolz!! yah yah. Or something really new to Forums, "Quote"
Quote = reply without the sorting of comments
Everyday! I'm hanging with cTRL now. You playing at all?? I haven't seen you lately

Look us up. Always scrimming
nah man, havent got any time :P work + computer science studies... trying to get an IT company of the ground etc etc :D hardly any time for et, if i got any time left for games i usaly play starcraft2, where my thinking and immagination rly gives me a big edge over the competition :P real fun game to play aswell, http://www.twitc.tv/demuslim , go on his profile past broadcasts and there u can see how the game is played :P an RTS genre, kinda like it plenty, eventho i played fps's only for about 13years :D
That's you??? lol
nololwtf :P thats a pro sc2 player, i think his salliry is around 5-6.000e atleast :P eventho he doesnt compete on any tournaments since he doesnt get in :P a real sick player tho
Yeah,. he gets set up quick, for sure
I'll check it out. I figured you were busy. I haven't seen a Surreal Avi thread in a long time lolz
We Dont Know, Its Always Been Like This.
Nothing happens here, no life, I think current speed is ok for this
Thanks for sharing
Quote25000 gamers here

..point taken....
rofl get internet u fuckin polak
Yes, you're a polak. Didn't you know, mate?
WTH? I'm Italian and German from the US lolz!!!!!

@LeFrancis, you must be the Polak. I didn't say I don't know how to browse it, moron, I said it's slow as fuck.
u mad, i win
I might be mad, but you're French

I win
only a polak couldnt browse this website properly :s
Well, he's not a polak.
And I agree with Hipkat
The older you load a topic (journal/news,...) on CF the longer it takes to 'download' this page.
And I have über fast internet. It crushes every public-French-internet-provider's ass.

Take this page for example, it loads/downloads very very slow.: http://www.crossfire.nu/news/4560/netcoders-exposed-vendetta
Yeah, it was the Weslann Busted thread that finally aggravated me enough to post this thread
QuoteAnd I have über fast internet. It crushes every public-French-internet-provider's ass.

Im not the one complaining here xD and I dont pretend to have an amazing inet but i can open this page quickly without any prob
soz if i made u mad it wasnt my 1st purpose

ok maybe it was :x:d:x:/D:d
Quote1 year, 9 months and 9 days
image: 42771_hk1-1b9_180x240

nice gangster faggot
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