Private server configuration

I need trustworthy person, which can help me doing server configuration (put all needed cfg's etc.). In thanks for the help, you can play on the server whenever you want if it's empty. Just pmme here, or /q p1et on IRC.
etpro server?
Yes, etpro :)
and what do you want in it? global1 2 3 5 and 6 configs? what do you want it to be? scrim server? etc...
No! :)
garfje ;DD
Can help you when i get home
@Equanimity, I need global3 cfg and 1on1cfg, nothing else. Somebody tried to help me already, but etpro doesnt work, so I still need someone who can do that.
all global configs can be downloaded here

and make sure you click "REPLY" when replying to a specific comment :)
I know where to find everywthing, but I can't put ir properly on server, that's why I need something which can do that for me if I send him password to the control panel of server.
I can try to help you if you want, /q [CB]ohurcool @
btw: are you guys still running tzac on matchservers nowadays?
Yes, we do
I still need help. Server works, configs and mapscripts are uploaded, but the config works only on sp_delivery and oasis. Can someone look up what's going on?
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