Voice avi for summercup :)

So the time has come for me to actually participate in the action rather than comment on it from the sideline!

As said in one of our casts over at ShoutcastCollective the other day, I'm looking to take part in one of the upcoming ET cups! With the announcement of the CB Summercup that moment has arrived!

If there is any Low skill team looking for a Medic to complete their line up for this cup and you don't mind some midgame shoutcasting when I'm dead contact me on IRC: voice{ ( #shoutcastcollective) or send me a pm :)!


ps: Premier League teams willing to carry are welcome too!
Good luck mofo!
haha hf voice minecraft owner

ps. you just made me login first time this year.
gl mate :)
my dick is still hard for this man.
Als je wilt heb ik nog IRCCloud invites; want je hebt geen BNC afaik :P
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