avi for summercup :)

3on3 or 6on6

pref to know you. Don't suck.
Get Voice, I'll play and we'll find 3 more and make team-rtcw. We'll play with a dedicated panzer and no rifle, while single-handedly taking the Enemy Territory world by storm.
Dr. Evil Dts has this all planned :)

ps: Don't forget to plant dyna's instead of mines :)
plz.. I have enough time driving motorcycle atleast :-D Can't swim in norway due to whales and polarbears.
do not take me seriously :)) gl!
omg its kris! Lycka till!!
Want to play 3o3 with NorwayVIKINGS ? mostly for fun and rape.
good luck
I've been training bully to become the replacement of superstabber twidi anyway, sick6 shall welcome you!
gl biiigboyy
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