Summer 2013 Recruitment

image: summercup
image: kHlYr34

The purpose of this thread is to help with recruitment for the ClanBase ET Summer 2013 season!

If you would like to be added to the list, please leave a comment below with the following information:
  • Nickname:
  • Country:
  • Format:
  • Skill:
  • Class:
  • Availability:
  • Contact:
  • Other information:

  • Nickname: ohurcool
  • Country: USA
  • Format: 3on3
  • Skill: med
  • Class: engi
  • Availability: Sundays & Wednesdays
  • Contact: /q ohurcool @ #Enhanced or PM here
  • Other information: be nice, no cheaters

Players will be regularly added to the list below and comments deleted as necessary. Teams searching for players should also feel free to leave a comment. Good luck!

Players searching for a team:

Czech Republic
  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: low+
  • Class: medic/rifle
  • Availability: arry day
  • Contact: pm here

  • Format: pref 6o6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic/covi
  • Availability: all day all night
  • Contact: /q book on or leave msg here
  • Other information: no cheaters, active

Czech Republic
  • Skill: med-, dont know..
  • Class: med/fops/cops
  • Availability: holiday :)))
  • Contact: shocker009 or mIRC-czet or here

  • Format: 6v6 / 3v3
  • Skill: med- or smth or some lil higher
  • Class: Medic
  • Availability: 3/4 times a week (Except Sunday)
  • Contact: IRC Mickey

  • Format: 3on3/6on6
  • Skill: med-
  • Class: Medic
  • Availability: few times a week
  • Contact: pm here or /q eaves @
  • Other information: be nice, no cheaters

  • Format: 6v6
  • Skill: decent
  • Class: rifle/medic
  • Availability: Officials only
  • Contact: /q froxe / FROXE or pm here

  • Format: 3o3 / 6o6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic / eng smg
  • Availability: all day / no life
  • Other information: funny guy in for laugh playing srsly cheers

  • Format: 3o3
  • Skill: med or better
  • Class: eng
  • Availability: 1-2-3 times a week, around +/- 21:00
  • Contact: /q jeewee irc

  • Format: 3on3 and 6on6
  • Skill: decent
  • Class: med/fop
  • Availability: 3-4 days per week
  • Contact: /q Kwilos or PM here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: high+/legendary-
  • Class: engi/reviving medic
  • Availability: when you want but i have real life apart from computer
  • Contact: /q Francis or pm me here
  • Other information: be kewl, no cheaters

  • Format: 3on3/6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: rifle or smg
  • Availability: sunday and ...
  • Contact: here

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: rifle
  • Availability: when needed
  • Contact: #ET /q Robaciek or pm here
  • Other information: OC prem 4th, ex-team poland, ladder pwner

United Kingdom
  • Format: 6on6
  • Class: Medic or LT
  • Availability: Backup
  • Contact: /q ScarZy

  • Format: 6on6

  • Format: Any
  • Skill: High
  • Class: medic/cop/rifle
  • Availability: negotiable
  • Contact: /q Statti^^ / Statti^^off or crossfire pm

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med+
  • Class: medic
  • Contact:
  • Other information: want premier/second division

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: low+/med-
  • Class: Rifle
  • Availability: mutch if i like to play
  • Contact: xfire: wedseck
  • Other information: evert thing is good, if its a stable project

  • Format: 6on6
  • Skill: med
  • Class: medic/fops/rifle
  • Availability: mostly offi's only
  • Contact: /q Woody' irc channel
  • Other information: always clean, pref offi's only not too much pracs

Teams searching for players:

  • Skill: medish
  • Language: Dutch
  • Contact: contact Flashy on IRC (

  • Skill: med
  • Language: English
  • Contact: contact mikeh on crossfire

  • Skill: med/(+)
  • Language: English
  • Contact: contact RAMOZ on crossfire

  • Skill: around med
  • Language: Italian with some English
  • Contact: contact here or via email [email protected]
  • Other information: 3on3 only, we would like to play mostly after 22:00 or later. backups are also welcome

  • Skill: Decent
  • Language: Finnish
  • Contact: q Swanidius / vokki
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