
Obviously, there's a long list of legendary players in ET Pro.

Are there legends in Jaymod??? :P
I think of myself as somewhat of a Jaymod legend. Just because I couldn't find anyone else with a name of 7 characters consisting of just 2 different letters in which 6 of the characters are the same and even next to eachother.

Man, those people on jaymod envied me for my ''comingupwithasickname''skills
You're just a legend in all of life, brother!
So true, so true.

i guess you could call him a legend, since hes bashing noobs on jaymod as long as i remember
France Asu, true legend
Yeah, that's a true
Europe Any Pro* members beside Aniky and extase
ahha just kidding :p

not about extase tho
Was funny when he was mad at me, went to cheat with my name and got busted by PB :D
Are Dualinity & Exceed active anymore?
Dualinity playing from time to time etpro i guess? he's still checking CF at least

exceed is real lifing too hard :P
my little brother GermanyAerox fucking jaymod powner :<
isnt he from .be?
dude i have to know where my brother comes from or not? :D
:D ofc but maybe he lived in be for a while or smth, the only aerox i know is in pro* and I think he is from be :P is he the same person or diff aerox
Otyg, Cucumber, Eddo, Bosshoer, GayLord, Loxias, Xymon and the entire old click of Devastation jaymod.
Also, Lolgek, Lipshooter
Cucumber, that guy was fucking amazing. Sickest aim ever, could beat any med+ today.
Pretty sure he was not clean ;p
+LKD+ ex players
was a best clan ever till Turkey Razzah decided to change name for nUke and go etpro in 2007 :(. than revives of +LKD+ was cool but wasnt the same as orginal +LKD+ :(((

From year (2005) the players that were the guy to beat in jaymod since I play& can remember and were most relevant in jaymod:
United Kingdometv*r|ze

those I think until year around 2007 then basically most pro* members had their own glory time including Finlandhenq,France splth, Polandanderson, Spainkukoo and later on 2008&09 I would say Estonian3kron, Columbia$tup!fy (me xd), later on 2010 &above I would say Sloveniaaniky, Francepapii, NetherlandsOutlaw and Finlanddtec7.

Maybe I missed some ppl that are/were also good but for me those are guys who were most relevant and those I would consider as "legends", that being most skilled at their time (most of those guys dont play anymore).

wtf tormm8 that's when i started etpro :D
exactly when you quit jaymod to etpro I guess then we can call a legend? most guys I mentioned were the same, were awesome and then went to etpro and then when you call em legends Imo xd
Ah you meant that way! kk :P

you forgot FinlandHoney and SwedenLimp also
ye Honey was pretty good too :P but I dont think many ppl would remember him and below the definition of legend for me mate
He only was playing on our old server anyway, but he truely was a top player
ye I know he was top but still I think legend means has more chance to be remembered in general.
Honey was actually only one giving me competition back at the days on our serv :D
Honey was great, saw his name on that finnish silent server, himalaia or something, dont know if it was really him but he used the same colors :P
flag=si for slovenia, sl for sierra leone! :D

naaah blackrose wasnt that good :P
ty, and well maybe not in the late years but very back then he was really good.
i played with him in 2006 in lkd and go to etpro with him in 2007 :P i meant he was good but on the same lvl that my 5-6 clan teammates :P
well I told that from my perspective and I also said "most relevant" & "the guy to beat", ofc I didnt get to play with 100% of the jaymod players because of time-zone differences and cuz there were a ton of servers but still I think a legend, which was the question would be a player that ppl will remember and was most relevant and known for their kills ..the fact that you remember him says enough mate, btw what were the names of your clanmates? cuz I also might know em as ldk then became into my clan after some years.
well I joined +LKD+ in autumn 2006 :P so there was a second generation of LKD players under Turkey AL|$|Qaeda aka Bushido aka well known Razzah. (in 1st generation was 101, t3/t4,0L!V1ER,aZra!l. Titaninum,$corp!on,fors4ken,Pl4$m4, Reflex, applEt, zEn, chill@ but I only remember them as my teachers when I was doing my first steps in jaymod owning :P)
the other guys was Finland numbe, Mexico loneranger, Belgium blackrose, France Gualix, Netherlands 0wner aka outlAw, Croatia dUke, Netherlands Rainer, Finland Jauhis Germany Qiraj* aka Q++e* aka n0os Belgium De@th(and much more i dont remember :P)
then we went etpro with this squad.
then God|$|Like(one of 1st generation players) revived LKD and we played on server called Midnight Express :D but I only remember T3rr0r, GodLike, WickedSick,Ghost, Titaninum from that time :P I remember I nerded hard there and with guy called Finland Dark had all records on server and was only able to kill each other :P
I remember that i went for holidays for 3 weeks and +LKD+ fused with some clan and created pro* :P so it made me sad that my dear clan is gone and I sux after 1 month holidays so I left jaymod for etpro once again :P. But I saw LKD was revived once again and again...
Estoniara1ner= *

owner isn't outlaw either

God|$|Like aka $pl@sh

I think mexican loneranger is most likely v!per
I still have the conversation when he decided to shut down .god clan. It ends like this:

[10:42] V!?3?: gl bro
[10:42] V!?3?: with your life too
[10:42] <This user is now offline>

Haven't seen him since.
well he didnt "shut down" .god clan ....he quit cuz he went study medicine if I remember correctly so he had to quit gaming, but we continued it ...just renamed to pro* then core& then pro* again :p or smth like that.
basically pro* history is like: +lkd+ merges with another top clan then a year or two later renamed to pro* then some year or later it merges top clan eC to make Core& , later I think it was renmed to god clan and later again to pro* later again to ldk and then again to pro* :P lol but it was never shut down...
Cant remember atm what was ctrl before it was ctrl...?
Well he did because nrgy dtec7 and he himself left:
[10:19] V!?3?: i rather close it now,rather than see it fall from piece to piece

It was revived later with name pro* again. Before it had been pro*, and before it core& (merging pro* and eC.)
Edit: you already edited ur post for history lol.
Edit 2: Ctrl was founded 2009 by dtec7 and papi after I had found dtec7(nma mystiq at that time) playing on nma servers, there was some talking about founding a clan but i refused since i didnt want to be a leader, only member. I was gone for short time(1 week maybe?) and when i came back there was ctrl and i was like first member.
I think dtec7 can tell it better how it happened.

Btw little offtopic :DD:
image: vsgc
that crimi shit was amazing!
i cant find it anymore. would u mind to link me to some crimi tracks?
me and papii created ctrl in 2009 when I decided to start rating and wanted to make a clan for it (was in a fun jaymod clan B*D, NMA before that)
Mexico he played with loneranger nick between 2005 and 2008 for sure :P dunno how was earlier/later :P and I remember that he was pretty old arround 27 y/o...
no rainer was Netherlands for sure :P
0wner got xfire account named outlAw so thats why I thought its him :P http://www.xfire.com/profile/nukeowner
ra1ner was ee
so we propably are talking about other guys. It was Netherlands Rainer(not with 1 but i know that there was some ra1ner but he didnt play with us) that played in +LKD+ in 06/07 and tried etpro with us :P
I know 101 and Ol!vier from that 1st list. I know numbe and ofc blackrose and rainer as I was in later clans with all of them , I think still most relevant and remembered one here is blackrose : even when numbe was also good I dont think that many ppl in jaymod would know or remember him =(legend), same goes for the others in the 2nd list as I said my list was legends as in relevant, good and remembered players, I didnt know outlaw was in lkd he definately was very good when I was playing actively so maybe I missed him in my list as I think most ppl would remember him too. As for Godlike ye he was my clan leader later and he was the one who revived lkd , and made pro* he was indeed very good when I started playing jaymod indeed and he was also a legend at the time, I ll add him. Its kinda cool to see the early history of all the clans I was in hahah but I guess my list is mostly correct with some additions , as I said I might forgotten soem crucial ones.
He had decent aim, but the amount of whine he was providing, was over 9000.
I thought nerkron was from usa?
Hes from Estonia
yes ! logged in for this .CoRe& had the best jaymod players in 2008 time i think.
some legend i can remember are Pro*sextoy and that pro mexican guy that was #1 for so long ( not viper :p)
also some NA guys were awesome but i cant remember their name expect for chosenone
know one legend of noQuarter - Poland stk :)
Well, its hard to answer, everyone can give their perspective into it but as you know there are so many different mods and servers and commynities, some vanished already, some still going on, so its impossible to give "the right" answer.

And how to even describe a legend? Most skilled player or person who has contributed a lot or maybe someone who has been playing daily on same server last 8 years? Or maybe a person who has been playing at over 100 different servers, quite some time on every server?

There are so many 'legendary' players and persons its actually astonishing to start remembering them.

Anyway, the place I basically started ET: http://forum.btcclan.de So much memories, read some threads and almoust a tear was shred :'-
Legend? Skilled/Top/Relevant player in jaymod that somehow will be remembered today year 2013..if there are so many just name some,we will see if they legends in general or just ppl u knew cuz hipkat wants names..not words...and I am also curious to see other ppls list x)
I wish I could go back and read old posts from where I started in ET (sM| Clan) but that forum is long gone :/
PRZ Lizi

BBA Chosenone
most long time members of Pro*
lol@ first 3
agree with the rest but I think no1 from back then knows mirror as mirror but as electrolux
also as ACE or DO7EN
[SAVO] members
didnt play much in 64slots server but i remember some good jaymod players in the past from

lkd, hctib

back in the days when i was a lowskiller like stary or kamz :xd
Mhm I would say Aniky, he used to roll hard on jaymod..
Deviljin too, still playing i think but he was damn better back in 2008/2009..
Hy0... used to be very good but I dont know if he still plays..

Well I just think you can't trust "global trackbase top list" to say they are good because they are all playing on servers like FA 2 or FA beginners and there are so many noobs playing there..
deviljin was bad
hy0 plays and is bad
Mhm.. easy to say that people are bad just because you are obviously mad at them.
I remember those guyz were rolling much better than you nowadays.. and they weren't playing on FA2

@vatu & ironic: cucumber was a beast too I agree =)
"Remember rolling much better than you"

Lmfao what a load of bullshit, hy0 has only been playing for 2+ years max, and I don't remember him from anywhere, never made it to any awards like splatteerladder TB etc... his skill never stood out and he's overall low+ max
Mhm not saying he's still good but I can tell you he was playing at least 4 years ago on a French server where I saw him and as I told you: splatterladder and TB "awards" mean nothing to me.. I'm sure those guyz werent even trying to rate.. go to FA 2 and roll those 20/30 noobs who don't even know how to colour their name and oh easy to reach top 10..
You say it like its so easy, Why don't you join FA 2 and steal the award from dTEC7 then
Haha this guy wants me to go back on jaymod..
:) I would have to nerd like 5 months straight to make best scores...
Since when dtec is nerding on jaymod?
5 months? bad much? Since 2005.
yea 5 months maybe less... my life doesnt depends on ET you know.. I just watch some ettv games and play etpro pubs sometimes... ET is not my daily addictive shit
I'm not mad at them lolwut. I played against Deviljin plenty on ETc in 2009-2010. Hy0 I've seen play recently. I remember when i was rolling much better than me nowadays. Why would I play on any other server than FA2 if I only play jaymod for rating and FA2 is easily the best for rating (not because it's full of noobs, doesnt matter if its full of pros like you and Hy0 but because of its setup).
"setup"? adrenaline, huge hitboxes... yea i must agree it's very good setup to rate.
Anyways forgot about my opinion.. according to Trackbase and FA2 super-setup you probably are a "legend".
Please, I was in top of SL by playing on ETc server ages ago which probably is a very good setup server in your opinion if you used to play on a french server XD. Also #1 in SL by playing on BBA server, don't come at me with this shit. Feel free to time travel to 2010 and get #1 in SL by playing on BBA server and let my secretary know once you've done so, she might let your messages through again.
MHm... kay just read torM answer below plz.

e: there were no adre on "that french server" which was WOOD if I remember or FFW, and setup was the closest to etpro settings, I don't see many jaymod servers settings like this nowadays.
And? :p he says deviljin and hy0 suck.
"tru legends dont use adre !"
dunno about you but everyone knows dtec uses adrenaline... coulndt do high scores without it..
uh dtec?
If there is adrenaline in the game why would someone not use it, everyone else is using it = it's equal. If you play on server without adrenaline no one else is using it, damn sounds like that is equal aswell.

"coulndt do high scores without it.."

If you actually knew anything about me you'd know that I've been #1 without adrenaline

Well, my last post now, some facts:
1. We know 27x more about jaymod scene as u do. harsh but true.
2. we are about 14x better players as u are. harsh but true.
3. keep reading those first 2 points untill u get it. harsh but necessary.

I havent been this harsh in ages wow.
The part where he calls Hy0 shit, the same Hy0 you are so desperately trying to defend? If you mean the part about ETc server I rarely used adren there and now you can go back to my post above about BBA, thanks.
Haha I don't care about Hy0 as I do give a flyin fuck about your BBA shit..
Just agreed with torm on "true legends don't use adre" and you definitively use it now and used it in the past.

Cya goodnight
Not sure wether to laugh or cry at your ignorance and stupidity.

Cya goodnight
ahah don't take that shit too seriously :) try to sleep some hours tonight tho
Can't sleep I gotta try so hard to keep my #1 by spamming adre and playlocking 98.375% of my sessions.
Yea.. what a life :(
I hope you know that this sNATCHji is hy0 himself...
That explains alot, well

@ sNATCHji, you're shit and always will be, the fact that you label yourself a "Legend" in jaymod when you can't even get 200+ hs is quite pathetic.

WOOD server being close to etpro settings? That's another joke, fast shooting double jumping and 3 second respawn, yes very etpro-like.
':D' haha Touché :D
deviljin was just good in fast shoots servers, will unlimited adren ( hello ETc| ) otherwise he was bad

Hyo is shit
tru legends dont use adre ! And I agree these guys suck could beat them without adre when they were on it in etc and etv servers
I still remember you as the adre using skilled jerk.
Those old days... Sometimes I do miss it. I mean Jaymod.
What do you mean? I never used adre .... maybe I didnt understand your comment , and ye miss jaymod too but I cant play it on a laptop cuz it will turn off after a few seconds.
hy0 was playing a server called WOOD.
He was one of the better players there, after me and sapienta and some other guys.
But his rate sucked so hard.
His k/d ratio sucked so hard.
His aim, was so bad. Untill out of the blue this kid skillboosted pretty hard.
it lasted a month. After that month, untill now, he really really sucks.
And that coming from me, who isn't that good either as you know.
Not true. You're a legend, mate :D
Yea it seems like he pretty sux now ^^ I just remember he wasnt just rolling me hard, he were rolling some of the best jaymod players at that time...

Ah back in the days... it was way better than nowadays :(
Dude every 1 knows ur hy0 urself + Don't pretend to be ´´oldschool´´
weirdest comment i have ever seen..
are you oldschool? I play wolfenstein since 2007 (not that oldschool but i'm not newschool)
Weird like your youtube channel named Hy0 sNatch :DD
sNatch ! = sNATCHji
So, Somehow, you are the same age as Hyo, live in same country as Hyo, and you have your tongue far up hyo's anus.

Yep. its hyo
Idc Glenn did the same :p
Quote by Hy0... Well in fact I play Et since 2008 even if I started etpro only 2 years ago...

How could he "Roll noobs" back in the day if you were only in et since 2007 and he started 2008?

lol dude you're trying way too fucking hard
Haha still here sherlock? Go outside get some air since you're done..
By the way I think you are the one trying "way too fucking hard" I was just trolling I dont give a damn for this game anymore and don't even bother replying to this comment you better make some pasta my pussy
haha, busted. basic french

here click on this http://www.crossfire.nu/user/55640/snatchji

read your own avatar and tell me how mad you are on a scale 10 to 10. I'd say 10 XD

Well I'd say 0 , read again my post: I don't give a damn about this.. haha why would I care? tell me plz :)
I think you're the only one here interested on who is Hy0 and who is snatchji or if they are the same person.. Have a good day writing another post and spending your precious time on it!

e: "basic french"? really? you're that type of moron who believes in stereotypes just by judging one person? :DD
Finland dTEC7
Finland BossHK
Russia mirror
jaymod :
are med- @etpro
with a bunch of low-- afk/lag players
true legends :d
true legend has spoken (yes, im being sarcastic)
You obviously know a lot about jaymod scene and are a true RTCW and etpro legend
Best time was probably back at the days when Honey and r|ze used to play, two guys who had best overall aim among all at that time and when competition was actually decently skilled and not like nowadays.
Also best server at that time was the old Pro* one and overall now is by far FRANCE BEGINNERS XP SAVE, sadly the admins need to take a lesson or two about how to do their jobs.
Still I constantly beat them when I was playing against them :ppp It was just that I was playing in so many different servers during those years and never kept playing only at 1 server. Thye were good but definitely not best ones.
At their prime times they were the best, as we were hitting top 3 at SL and every time one of us was rating no one else came even close to get fragger of the map or any other award.
Whole rating at its prime time was all about locking and unlocking your name depending who were playing on server. Some random pro playing on server with very low rating? Lock and fast! High rated player playing poorly while you are spawnraping them? Unlock it already!

I played rating around end of 2008 to mid 2009 and hit #1 spot 1 or 2 times. And I hated it, you needed to watch who were playing on server to be sure not to get random minus 0,3 rate while doing 167-11 scores because of players who were playing etc.
Its been just for fun for me otherwise, before and after that.
QuoteWhole rating at its prime time was all about locking and unlocking your name depending who were playing on server. Some random pro playing on server with very low rating? Lock and fast! High rated player playing poorly while you are spawnraping them? Unlock it already!

This u actually described nowadays situation about raters, while back at past, those options weren't even available, only nick name changer, most of times just adding a dot after ur rating nick. Well when we still had Pro* server, i honestly didn't had the need to ever change the nick, cus how i played was the result of how my rating was, most of Pro* ppl were doing that way. The rating system - formula was decent as well, at least from how i remember it, u got what u showed and most of the times apart of those (HAL) whores, u didn't find some nubs on top of SL list.
r ze was playing around 2005,06 &07 actively and he was the top player then as skillwise, he was also top rating , but not saying rating meant he was the best but he had always most kills on servers when there were a lot of good players and not just lowbies around, and most of us rlly didnt care to lock name and stuff at least went i was in top i just did it making 120+ kills everytime, so did rze at the time, later when ppl faked our whole clan (25+ players) we started locking names.
Legends in jaymod from when i played jaymod
whiner : etv r|ze
fun player : killyounow
fragger (not aimer :p) : pro*blackrose
medic/fragger : pro*sextoys, >Bingo<
medic whore : (HAL)Ninja

HAL NINJA HAHA :D:D throwing packs all the time on that romanian server :<
never played on jaymod :s
Wow, I can't believe this thread went this good.

The BEST Jaymodders I think I ever played with on a regular basis were Mark7, Rakon and my good friend Hagster/Purple, who only stayed on ET for about 2 years. Rakon's aim was ridiculously good and at one time, you couldn't touch Mark
Any servers still going? I remember playing in some team called aXe# or some shit like that and my nick was $killer, played with a guy called spanki(aka pankakan later in etpro) and 3-4 years later we end up in the same team randomly(ORDER)
is this a new game or what the hell you guys are talking about ?
I played etpub/jaymod till -07. I had so much fun in the arctic warfare alpha server that was hosted in Norway. Great times!

There was this guy called DieDie who crouched like no one else! Fucking strange guy yet a good aimer.
Alot of cWg players played there too! :D mummy and those guys.
Jaymod is like FinlanddTEC7 heaven.

I - law/Ap0c sort of grew up in ET with playing ETpub, in which I wasn't too shabby (to stay humble), but I couldn't be compared to almighty Norway[1337]Hexxxagon. That dude truly raped dicks.
And then I, |IdwP|BossHK, paid a visit to O30P server and took crown for a moment from Hex and [*WOD*] guys (and law/Rain) :pp
Niggah please no, I owned that server :x and afaik hex never played on it!
He did sometimes, rarely though. Btw WOD Pablo is still playing afaik lol :D
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