NiP ready for SC

image: Unbenannt1

After playing a few mixes lately we decided to have some fun in this years Summercup edition.

The lineup will basicly look like this:
Germany Beschützer aka Hydra - the guy who doesn't know what selfkill is
Germany BleiB_ReChTs aka ScaTmaN_ - after failing at cs he tries to pick up the rifle once again
Germany Gebieter aka HumM3L - Hummi happy!
Germany Schrei aka edosan # - he could be considered as the new eujen, reading a game like a boss!
Germany Spur aka stRay_ - the guy who still gets carried in any game
Germany Torte aka Torte - Anti-CS & JESICHT!
Germany Wald aka FLoPJEHZ - Beavis & Butthead reloaded
Germany Klapperschlange aka Kevji - Shak0r and dodging lan like a boss

With our bootcamp coming up in less than 2 weeks we are ready to roll some noobs
We wish all teams good luck and alot of fun!
nerds in pants
NiggaZ iN PariZ
LOOOL I thought about the same clan tag xDD
hope you get sued
fucking fanboys
Team is shit, hf failing.
gl noobs
3 rifles in 1 team?
ninjas in pyjamas fanboys detected :XX
gl honey's x
kevji only proper rifle

Not only LoL, they have a CSGO team as well I think :P
well done br0 :D
I know, they're a well known org. But this is just sad :D
Hey, I was trying to troll you

Fuck you man :(
Lets rename rockit to na'vi or sk.
pls... we arent ninjas ;)
without fireBall?
rtcw ftw :D
wannabes spotted

gl Kevji tho
Ninja in Pyjamas?XD
NiP humM3L?

oh dear GAWD...

you guys are retarded
Scatman aka FifflareN :{D
torte and stray

i want to believe
where is f0rest and the rest ? D:
Ninjas In Pyjamas?
NiggaZ iN PariZ
lol who takes another one's name...

Irony at it's best
thought u quit
fuckin addict
saw humm3l on csgo matchmaking defintly NiP material
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