Free ET Server for Clans


I want to offer you a free ET Server without Banner or ads

- Clanbase Config
- Ref
- Complete Free
- TS3 Server (if you want)

I play ET since it was released and i just want to support the game.
Please only clans or newcommer, who want to build a clan and a minimum age of 16

serverlocation is Frankfurt (Germany)

/q Aniky, i shall make sure it gets to best use.
nice try Aniky, nice try
Let's face it, I'm the best option he has here :D
Benelux gentleMen are interested in one of your server. It will be actively used :x
You don't use my server anymore? I can give it to someone else?
We have a server? xD
Yes it came with ts3 check your irc.
timbolinaa is mijn irc, niet TIMBOLINA :P
SSTAT need a server for SummerCup and to show Apricot skill...
Hi Disturber mate !

SSTAT team is very interested in your proposal. We always provide some good mood for the entire community and we would use this server in a very good way.

Kind regards.
Already prefer his over yours, even without trying. Lol np
You haven't even tried mine ;)
And I thought you said I used to be your biggest customer :(
The 2, 2,5 years with YCN must have been a lie
Nice effort, hope it can help someone that actually meets your requirement in stead of the ''3-man-lineup-teams" that want it.
Hey guys!

Thanks a lot for your interest.
ET Server will get to "SL4NG" and his Clan "South Tyrol"

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Incase u vote private3/5.config - - password iz ;enter
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