celebrating GPS entering north east America

By celebrating GPS entering north east America, as a company we will now be offering a 50% discount across the board for any of our products that we offer in the US. This means that for the time that you have the product until you decide you no longer want it, it will always remain at 50%. This limited to a set date as to when the offer will be finished, but straight away this makes us the cheapest in the US for Game Servers, Dedi Servers, and Voice Servers.

Simply go to our website “gameplayservers.com” select your product, and when ordering put in the code USA50 and this will automatically reduce your cost, then pay and get your servers at half price !

A typical Game Server will cost: $5.25 USD

A Dedi Server will cost : $15.18 USD
Dedi server will cost 15 usd, can i get some specifications from that? xD
Jester is known for selling vps as dedis :)

And, get someone with actual English grammar for this stuff, especially if you're going to the US.
It's only VPS :D
Dede server start from 230€ a month or so xD
I know :p it's just so much fun to see that jester (gps owner) can still find ppl ignorant enough to promote it like this. The dude is a total rip off xD
:D and FireFly a complete fool, perfect combination huh?
Perhaps they can get u :D
"I got ripped off there as well and found out what a retard jester is."
Wouldn't you fit in perfectly? :(
nah 230€ is too much, there are decent dedis from like 70€ +
He was clearly talking about THEIR dedis
dedi games are dedicated resources set to one client, on a dedicated server, and you get a games panel, and its cheap, certainly simple enough for when at the time woo you was with GPS for a while on a sponsorship deal.
You are talking about a dedi server for 15 usd, don't fake promote something then.
I got ripped off there as well and found out what a retard jester is.

You have no clue what you are talking about because you are just as ignorant as that entire company, which is why it suits you perfectly.
thats why you were keep coming back, i see i see
Jester once offered me a paid job after I already told him hes scum, but I could use some money. Never got serious though so I stepped out once again.
jester never offered you any job at all, you did a project with I3D and they said you failed which is why they dont keep you on, Jester would never offer you anything paid or unpaid, you ran a damaged community you got kicked out of and now you had nowhere to go, see, flaming gets you nowhere, continue to be a kid and you will remain as one. continue plodding on your own. Thats speaks more than what you can say here kiddo
Haha, did u have a chat with Jester? :p
First of all, I had an internship project for school with I3D, they didn't kick me out I was never in.

I never ran a damaged community, I ran NBS which was despite ur information, pretty succesful, especially compared to splendid-gpc.

Jester offered me a paid job as a matter of fact, but he wanted me to ''show my qualities'' first, which I didn't, because that's useless.

Nowhere to go to, I want to believe :p I never wanted to go anywhere as I always tend to run my own things.

And how can you call me a kid?
You are just paraphrasing Jester here and you know it.

Please, don't come with the kiddo stuff you know you can't talk to me about, since for a fact you're even younger..

Don't quote Jester just because you buttkiss him, have a nice day, retard xD Hope u get a good pay from jester while ur at it with ur pro splendid community
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