Partyhats looking for 3rd


we are in need of a skilled 3rd, who is available to play SummerCup and official matches with us.

about us:

- Playing together for more than 4 years now
- med+ skilled
- serious ingame
- We will participate in upcoming events/cups
- talkactive

about you:

- med+ skilled
- talkactive
- serious ingame
- medic/engi (engi prefered)

Germany shNz (c)
Netherlands GiZmO
Europe tba

If you are interested leave me a private message (CF)
gl Gizmo (:
what about excite?!
He doesn't really enjoy this game as much anymore, so basically he plays other games now and he isn't really interested in officials. GiZmO and me want to play more officials, not just random IRC matches.
Damn thats too bad, no worries his urge for et will eat him alive at some point;)
He will still be playing with us, but we just search a 3rd to play more regularly. It would definitely suck, if 4 years of playing together would end.
Agh yup I know that feel
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