please tell me what's going on for up here!!

Hey guys !

im surreal from portugal, i can say that im an oldschool et player, but i dont play et for a long long time !!!
i'm just downloading the game right know, i dont even know if its going to run at all for the first xD
whatever, i need help from u guys,
i dont have a config at the moment, and honestly i dont reamember all of the commands from the console..
dont know if there is some more oldschool players that reamember me but it will be cool if u give some sins of life xD

so if u guys can get me some configs for i can test that will be great, and some commands for the console better even !

stay cool, greetz surreal
im already getting tzac problems !
try to solve me this plzzzzz

at first when i turn it it says: " TZAC Updater has received invalid/corrupted data from the uptdate server, but will try to run the currently installed client if it exists".
after that: " TZAC client is missing, update didnt help. Please try again or check the website for more information."

btw my old acc's:
i already have check that website, but after i download it, first i dont see on the website any "updater fix" , then i download it the setup and tzac from the last link on the website, and then it appears me this: "Couldn't initialize libcurl, check your installation or report to the developer"
can u explain me how to make it work? greetz
Olá! vê isso... quanto a cfg, deves conseguir arranjar qualquer cena pela net!

eish oh agon ainda bem que aqui tas tu mm e que consegues resolver isto xD
oh tou mesmo a pesca nao percebo nada disso, eu ja fui ai a esse site, ja instalei um setup qq e mm assim nada : //
agora para alem daqueles erros que referi tambem me esta a dar este erro:
"Couldn't initialize libcurl, check your installation or report to the developer"
só que a cena é que eu ja tenho paqui uns 3 TZAC diferentes no meu ambiente de trabalho, um que diz só TZAC que instalou o TZAC - ET e o TAZ - ET ( no etpro ) e depois tenho outro que diz Atalho para TZAC que eu fiz esse atalho para por asseguir no comando um 0 e é nesse que me da o erro que referi agora, mas isto ta mesmo complicado não percebo nada, consegues me dar uma ajuda??
abre o que diz tzac-et. e corre isso como administrador, se nao da erros xD
eish eu sou muito burro em merdas de pc's oh agon vou te ja dizer, como é que eu corro isso como administrador?
ah ja encontrei, a cena é que o meu windows é o xp home edition, e aqui nas opcoes so me aparece:
windows 95
windows 2000
windows nt 4.0 ( Service Pack 5 )
windows 98 / windows me
Isso é o modo de compatibilidade. Deves ter uma opção para executar como administrador...
si si, also my config is the best out there (used by pro players like SQuid and me)!
my sins of life hmm... can't think of anything right now
I owe you a big Thanks surrealj and hope you alright!
nice troll 10/10 would read again
suck my dick and dont make some noise u idiot
u mad brah?
dont make some noise XDDDDDDDDDd
post more pl0x im takin screens
take screens of ur mother sucking my dick ;)
Hey man, nice to see u back after long time, if u need any help with tzac or et, let me know :)
i rly need help Aniky, are u fine?
where can i find u? ;)
Going so so i guess, u can normally find me under nick "Aniky", mostly online after 2pm, or around afternoon at
true oldschool since 2009!
You'll get there mate
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