
Splendid-Gaming is looking for more teams!!

x SM
x COD4
x Dota2
x ET
x We are also searching for a new manager ( for more info contact me )

What do Splendid-Gaming offer you?

x A website
x Teamspeak3, Gameserver
x Experienced, dedicated and friendly Management / Staff team
x A staff team providing coverage about events and matches
x A reliable, instantly growing multigaming organisation

What do Splendid-Gaming expect from you?

x We as an organisation prefer a stable high skilled team
x A few achievement gained already
x Clean and active players
x Playing ladders or participating in 1 day cups / tournaments

If you're up for it...

Contact :
spLd|FireFly at #splendid-gaming
steam: minimo222
email: [email protected]
Website: http://splendid-gaming.eu
No offense ment here. But I don't think you should ask for stable teams when the organisation itself is constantly falling apart and rebuilding. Doesn't give the teams any reliability from your side either..
Offense takencunt
SM u nasty bitches
How much do you pay me for the manager spot?
one monthly cheapest beer?
god im a mgc aswell then coz i own:
- website
- server
- ts3

pm to join!! -_-
spld gaming has ben around for quite some time n lol i think u played in gloria victis with me like 8years ago lol
gloria victis idd
man thats old! :D
were can i contact u?
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