nmxz/pleijaa avi

Hello! I use nick nmxz on irc and pleijaa i.g.

I'd like to play some offis sometimes.. I'm not avi every night, but if we settle some praccing days i'll be there.

I can play any class (except rifle) and i'm around med skill. I'd like to be fops/medic in 6v6 team, so if anyone needs good damage fops or medic / revive medic i'm your guy. Also good damage dealing engi.

Also avi for 3v3 teams. Try me out if you want to know my skill =)

Contact here or irc nmxz when im there..
so many nicks :)
only 2 and i use pleijaa most of the time, nmxz is just irc nick ;-)
clean player gl
sorry for owning you so hard yesterday with metsuri and huuda .. wont happen again ;-9
no need to apologise, I'm just mirin the fact you can shoot as good as phyzic with an 85k tzac guid and linked to pallot team in CB, very goot legit player, sign my config
Kerkko asked me to play 1 offi with him, the oppos wanted that i was member of the team in CB so thats why im in there. I dont understand the flame against that team, kerkko and leku seems like nice guys.

I dont know about shooting like phyzic, but i am kinda good. I can sign your config if you want lol.

I was thinking of going to the belgium lan FoM or something? But i have work and i live in finland so its not financially smart to go to belgium for like 2 days and both days you have to be in the airplane.. If there are any lans in october i might come because i might have the month off. You can see my phyzic shooting skills there then ;-)
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